Eligiusz Langner (ennio)
{K:3006} 5/23/2006
thank you, Jeanette :)
João F * Photography
{K:41945} 5/22/2006
I love this one the tones are great too Ennio !! jo
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 5/22/2006
Such MOOD - good work Ennio!
Eligiusz Langner (ennio)
{K:3006} 5/22/2006
thx, pan :)
Eligiusz Langner (ennio)
{K:3006} 5/22/2006
thank you, Pablo:)
pan g.
{K:16899} 5/22/2006
Another amazing work! EXcellent!
Pablo Dylan
{K:63918} 5/22/2006
Very suggestive shot. Regards Pablo
Eligiusz Langner (ennio)
{K:3006} 5/22/2006
thank you, roberto :)
Eligiusz Langner (ennio)
{K:3006} 5/22/2006
thank you, Lubi :)
roberto canepa
{K:7382} 5/22/2006
hi ennio, you shot a very POWERFUL pc! strong contrast, hard light and your processing have create a great pc!! bravissimo roby
Lubi Star
{K:3903} 5/22/2006
i was always fascinated with ships but found them a very difficult subject to photograph and have interesting results at the same time... but i can´t say the same for you because this image has a superb graphic quality to give your subject an otherwordly character... feels like dreaming of ships and voyages... congrats... Lubi