Sergio Cárdenas
{K:25028} 5/4/2006
Notable! Muy buenas expresiones en esta Josep. Una fotografia atemporal extraordinaria Felicitaciones!
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 5/2/2006
Buen grupo...extraordinario encontraste uno riendo... difícil en esos rostros, verlos reír es casi imposible... Felicitaciones Josep un trabajo estupendo!
Jordi Millas
{K:2898} 4/29/2006
Genial! no hi ha ningú que miri a camera, en canvi tots posen per fer-se una foto. Gran treball en B/N per l´escala de grisos aconseguida i molt ben encuadrada, felicitats, molts records !! Jordi.
Marco Federici
{K:1686} 4/29/2006
Very interesting! Good composition.
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 4/29/2006
very great capture and with wonderful expouser, very great contrast and tone, all of the best my friend
Nuno Borges
{K:1570} 4/29/2006
Surely they are not in uniform, but one would almost swear to the contrary. Photographic technique, choice of black and white and contrast, also helps in conveying that sense of homogeneization
Nicola Barbieri
{K:18000} 4/29/2006
Nice portrait shot!best regards Ciao, Nicola