William Woodruff
{K:-55} 2/12/2006
Beautiful shot. I believe the eagle was flying into the light source? (the sun) What time of the day was the image taken? There is wonderful contrast on the top of head, as well as the right wing. Keep up the great work
Ron Wilson
{K:18362} 1/30/2006
Amazing shot of an amazing bird.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 1/30/2006
Hi Yamil, I almost missed this one, as I was out of town! A beautiful shot of this eagle! Spectaclar details and colour. Great work, as usual! Dave.
Sergio Cárdenas
{K:25028} 1/28/2006
Excelente captura! perfecta como dice Armando. Mil saludos Yamil. Sergio
Jim Goldstein
{K:21230} 1/28/2006
Yamil glad you got a chance to see the noise reduced version. The degree of sharpness that can be applied is a subjective one.... whether applying noise reduction software or not.
Yamil Saenz
{K:12434} 1/28/2006
Hi Jim, Thank you so much for your time and for sharing your expertise. Photography is art and sometimes we see what others don’t and the opposite is true too. Thanks to PS we can manipulate pictures and make them look the way we want. I like the image originally posted. When I ask Marcus to help me with the post-processing he ALWAYS does a better job than I do, so I keep bothering him. The details and sharpness are ok for such a difficult shot. Sometimes I go “solo” in my post –processing and them I get a call from Marcus saying, “Hey man, you should have send me that one- Ja ja ja. This eagle jumped from a 90 to 100 feet tree and I was very lucky that she came in my direction. Although we saw more than 80-100 eagles, this one was the only one that came close enough to get a decent shot. One of the purposes of this 900 miles trip was to get a picture of a bald eagle in flight but they flew very far from my lens. Besides the lakes where they scavenge the waterfowl were foggy and the visibility was poor. At noon the fog cleared up but most the eagles were gone by 2pm. They returned to their roosting spot at Bear Valley National Wildlife Refuge. Fortunately for the eagles the access to that forest is not allowed but that means the photo opportunities are difficult. However I don’t complaint. I support the strict protection of these majestic birds. Hopefully next time I go to Klamath I can get a better image. The only thing I can tell you is that the image of the eagles flying that I saw and keep in my mine are better than any picture I have seen and probably I will ever see. Nothing can compare with the original version. Any way, I appreciate your feedback. Thanks to this eagle I have another UF friend. Best wishes. Yamil
Jim Goldstein
{K:21230} 1/28/2006
Marcus glad you think so. I actually held back on the sharpening a little bit, but more as a personal preference than anything else. There was still latitude with my workflow to sharpen it more. The noise reduction was done with NoiseNinja. If you don't own it I highly recommend it. The fact that they have preset filters for various cameras and ISO settings makes life much easier.
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 1/27/2006
Very Nice. It does look cleaner. The old " a bit sharper or a bit noiser" as this version does look a tad softer around the head and chest, but the lack of noise and smoother tones are nice. In this situation I always debate between the two. as a bird photographer you are always looking for the sharpest feather detail possible a slight introduction of noise is excepted with dark birds, but in this case I think your version looks better. great job.
Jim Goldstein
{K:21230} 1/27/2006
Here is the before and after comparison. Note the digital noise in the underside of the wing is gone. This is where it is most visible but there is noise through out the image. Also it should be noted that Yamil should clean his sensor. In looking at the original image dust spots were visible in numerous locations of the image.
Note: Dark blue sky bands are my version. Ligh blue sky bands are the original version.
Before and After |
Jim Goldstein
{K:21230} 1/27/2006
There are two version... here is the complete revamp from the original version. Levels were adjusted image wide. Curves were applied to 1. the masked eagle and to 2. the remainder of the scene. Saturation adjustments were minor but applied to the entire scene. The image was sharpened and then digital noise reduction software was run on the image. I'll post a before and after version for side by side comparison in just a second.
Revamped Version |
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 1/27/2006
I have your email and will respond to it asap. been a bit busy here. you can just upload your version here, I am curious to get a look :)
Jim Goldstein
{K:21230} 1/27/2006
I need to talk to you again about the press pass thing. I emailed and called you. As for this image I've revised a copy and relayed it to Yamil. I'll let him post it unless he tells me otherwise. Ultimately the digital noise was too much and was removed. The degree to which you lighten the underside of the eagle is a personal preference. I didn't have much of a problem tweaking it.
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 1/27/2006
Hi jim, how is the press pass thing going? I am without my cell for a few days as I broke the screen and need to get a replacement. you can email me though. Nice Critque though I did all the PP on this one I had to choose between some slight noise on the wing or dark and zero detail, The hardest thing to expose in photography is a dark bird and PP is always a nightmare if the shot is not next to perfect straight out of the camera, I could have left it with a nice detailed body with no noise and a really soft wing but I though this looked better. anyway I will be waiting to hear from you...
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 1/27/2006
outstanding capture... great work... perfect
Phillip Cohen
{K:10561} 1/27/2006
A beautiful image. It looks like it belongs on a US Govt. advertisement. To think our founding fathers originally wanted a turkey for our national bird. What the heck were they thinking? ;=] You look at this image with this bird in all its glory and it just screams power. This is a very inspirational image keep up the good work
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 1/27/2006
Wow! (not a word I use very often...) This is a great shot of a magnificent bird. I play around at the wide-angle end of photography, so this is completely foreign to me, but I can recognise a master when I see a photo like this. Must thank Marcus Armani for pointing me towards this one!
Yamil Saenz
{K:12434} 1/27/2006
Hi Jim, Thank you for your comment. I used the noise reducer but did not get the results I was looking for. If you don't mind. Can you please download this image and work in the post-processing? Any help will be appreciated. Here is my e-mail. ysaenz@hotmail.com Take care. Yamil
Jim Goldstein
{K:21230} 1/27/2006
Beautiful capture. I didn't have time to comment on this earlier, but kept it open for when I had time. This is so sharp and very well composed. The one thing that I might recommend to make this even better is running this through noise reduction software. There is a bit of noise seen in the underside of the wings. If you adjusted this with highlights/shadows in PS it amplifies the noise a bit. Something to be cautious of if you use that feature. If not... never mind.
{K:42404} 1/26/2006
7++++++++++++++++++ simplemente perfecta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 1/26/2006
Magnificent capture Yamil!!! Tack sharp focus on the eye!!! Stunning photo! My best! .........................................John 7 ++++++++++++++++++++
Liz Wallis
{K:26133} 1/26/2006
Whaat a stunning capture..they are very magestic...great timing too...perfect work
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 1/26/2006
What a great powerful capture of this bald eagle. I think subject like this, need knowledge and field essential craft which play a huge part to a successful hot shot and a powerful wildlife photography result. Congrats on such quality shot. Certainly worth award. Saeed
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 1/26/2006
Really excellent Capture of The bald Eagle, I know the conditions in which you have to shoot under with this very hard to expose bird. Brillant Job......