Tu Abe
{K:79} 2/18/2006
good texture. simple but rich images and colours.
Andrzej Pradzynski
{K:22541} 2/17/2006
Alicia, this is cool abstract with nice colors and rough texture of the bark. I like shots closing up on details like the one - the views that are usually missed from our perception as those are to fine to strike up strongly. Cheers, n.j
João F * Photography
{K:41945} 2/11/2006
Linda toma muy bien texturada. Alicia felicitaciones sinceras joão
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 1/20/2006
great texture. wonderful.. 7
Gustavo Valadares
{K:1437} 1/19/2006
Great abstract Alicia with well captured tones and textures. I love it. Did you use long exposure? Regards,
Mahmoud Baha Sadri
{K:19634} 1/19/2006
This is very nice,a lovely macro abstract. Bravo,Alicia! baha
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 1/17/2006
A lovely warm toned beauty, stellar creativity.
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 1/15/2006
perfect abstract great tones
{K:1987} 1/14/2006
Very nice capture of a tree bark: Ilove it too! Nice to touch and to smell. Ciao Ck
Janet B
{K:16139} 1/12/2006
Great textures and color, Alicia. Makes for a nice abstract! Well done :)
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 1/11/2006
Unusal and striking image.best wishes nessa
John Nobody
{K:4914} 1/10/2006
Interesting abstract.
sherif hussein
{K:13815} 1/10/2006
Wonderful abstract Alicia Well done Sherif
Nichol Rose
{K:1020} 1/10/2006
I like the texture of this image and the color blends perfectly, it proves that we don't have to go too far to make a beautiful image. Thank you for sharing
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 1/10/2006
I really like the mix of colours in this capture and the defining textures. Nice capture.
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 1/9/2006
Tienes razón Ina. Luján es vitivinícola por excelencia, hay cantidad de viñedos y también olivos, como así de árboles frutales. También posee muchas grandes bodegas, desde donde salen cantidad de vinos al extranjero. En cuanto a la vegetación , es toda obra del hombre, esta es una zona árida. Su nombre lo indica : Cuyo= desierto de piedra en lengua aborigen. Gracias por tu interés, a tu disposición, un saludo cariñoso, Alicia
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/9/2006
Wow, Alicia, what a beautiful plaza! And great picture too! It must be lovely to have so much green vegetation and warm weather! I saw Lujan de Cuyo is also a good wine region!
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 1/9/2006
Hola Ina: Te comento que ignoro qué árbol es, sólo que es un tipo de pino.Está en la plaza de la ciudad donde vivo, (Luján de Cuyo), Envío una fotito de la plaza Es verano en Mendoza y en todo el hemisferio sur, por lo que estamos pasando bastante calor. Gracias por tu comentario
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/9/2006
Beautiful colors and abstract look of the tree bark, Alicia - it really resembles a rusty surface - It must be summer in Mendoza. What kind of tree is it? Felicitaciones, Ina
Alfons Rial
{K:7600} 1/9/2006
Excelente Abstracto, Alicia. Has captado toda la diversidad de colores que se pueden encontrar en una cosa tan simple como la corteza de un árbol.
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 1/9/2006
Lindos colores, texturas y diseños Alicia, has logrado tomar la belleza de las cortezas. Alison
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 1/9/2006
This is a lovely shot of the bark of a tree. It has wonderful textures and some beautiful rust-like colours. It makes a really good natural abstract. Well done to you Alicia...Best wishes and thank-you for all your visits to me....Ray
Czeslav Gavinkovski
{K:6800} 1/8/2006
Very original and interesting abstract.Good idea ,good work. Czeslaw.
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 1/8/2006
A lovely image alicia with great textures. It's like a snake shedding its skin. Under the old dried bark is fresh warm coloured new skin for the tree. Good shot.
Thank you for your comment on my Frozen Bridge image.
Cheers - Ann :)
Susie OConnor
{K:34798} 1/8/2006
Pretty Alicia...I love rust shots and this one has lots of unique texture. Good one!
{K:11377} 1/8/2006
Very nice abstract Alicia! I like the simplicity and the very lovely colors to it. Cheers! Harry