Bees of the winged insect, and all kinds of pairs of wings, rear wings are smaller than the front, and a few of the types or classes relatively short wings, there were useful in aviation. Bees feed on nectar and pollen collected from flowers, pollen is used as food for the larvae mainly.
The workers collect nectar by Khrthomha Ahaaft complex, which enable them to access to the inside of the flower, while carrying pollen on special baskets in their hind legs. Like other insects, Body bee is divided into three parts (head, chest, abdomen), the Bee 5 eyes, and all bee species almost a century sensor is divided into 13 part in males, and 12 part in females, while the needle, Vttoagd in females only, and are primarily used as a means of defense. Sizes bee species ranging from 2 mm to 39 mm approx.