Thanks for your new view and allegories about Icalus and his Jr. We Japanese have several alike this myth('alike' means the drama or opera did at the human absurd(non rational) theater). When young I thought about this myth that Icalus had only a high courage and his father's adult advice cannot stop his son's realistic action. The origin of that myth is not changed yet now, if it passed through the decoration by Catholicism, Nietzsche and F.Sagan usw---. Fundamentally, modern thoughts(modanism, rationalism, relativism, liberalism, existentialism, populism-----) strongly wished to burry upper-mentioned absurd thoghts, Absurdity is the enemy of the modernism and post modernism I think. Internet sufer has not both, but terrorism has one of them, I think. Y.I.
(is there in japanese mythology a similar hero like daedalos and his son ikaros? daedalos would be the archetype of modern genial scientist and inventor - caught in his own labyrinth :) ... but maybe his son ikaros would not be as daring as the ancient one. modern ikaros' refuse to leave their rooms - they only surf in internet :)