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  Photography Forum: Large Format Photography Forum: 
  Q. Enlarging 4x5 in the darkroom
John McCallum
Asked by John McCallum    (K=1856) on 3/14/2004 
Hi all. Now ready to enter the world of large format wet darkroom printing. I was just wondering if anyone has ideas on the best quality/value models of enlargers to be looking at. And a good place to buy them?
Thanks for any suggestions - John.


 Michael Goldfarb   (K=629) - Comment Date 3/15/2004
Consider buying used! Great old industrial-strength equipment like Omega D2s and D3s (and newer models too) are flooding the used market as schools, newspapers, and pros are jumping to digital.

Look on ebay and keep your ears open for local sources: There are even folks willing to give away old enlargers for free if you're just willing to pick them up and give them a good home, as there are so many on the market just now that it's hard to get decent money for them, and shipping these big bruisers is a pain...

 Peter Witkop   (K=3189) - Comment Date 3/15/2004
I've had great experiences with the Omega (D2's I believe) at school. My preferance is for the color heads, which are great, but that's just because I like a diffused light source, and it lets me use VC paper with one without having to put a filter under the lens. I buy alot of gear used, and as long as you exersise due caution, I've never had a bad experience. I've been keeping an eye on the used enlarger market myself, and E-Bay tends to have the most choices, I haven't noticed dealers like KEH having many in stock, I can't imagine they're buying them. Shipping is likely to be the biggest expense though, it's often quit expensive within the US, nevermind internationally, in which case I'd imagine the freight costs could easily be the biggest expense.


John McCallum
 John McCallum   (K=1856) - Comment Date 3/15/2004
Thanks Michael and thanks Peter.

Slavomír Musílek
 Slavomír Musílek   (K=354) - Comment Date 2/21/2006
Try to find used Czech Enlargers called MAGNITAURUS. It allows enlarging from negatives up to 8x10in

 Ron Stowell   (K=171) - Comment Date 3/1/2006
Picked up my D2 through E-Bay, man had it up for auction with no pictures. I e-mailed him that if he didn't get any offers for the enlarger, I would be willing to drive to his home and look at it in person and pay his opening bid offer it it met with my approval. Got a nice D2 for $50. and have been pleased as punch.

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