I have a not-so-new comfortable day pack that I use for camera gear, and a home-sewn padded bag with shoulder strap for the tripod. Looks like some middle-aged woman carrying lunch plus, and doesn't have "expensive camera gear" written all over it. I like the packs that zip open all the way round the bag, not just the top where you have to reach in. I used aluminum foil-sided bubble warp insulation, "tuck tape", and some pieces of coreplast to make padded sections for the gear. I keep a light pair of rain pants and emergency poncho at the bottom, gives a bit of added cushioning for when I set the bag down. One bag that I had that I wore out, I had one of those shallow plastic boxes that would fit inside of it, and had bubble wrap sections taped in. If you have a bag where you have to reach in and pull stuff out, you may be able to make up some bubble wrap padded bags with tuck tape. (Tuck tape is an expensive plastic tape that really sticks, I think Home Depot carries it, other types of hardware stores should also have it.) Most backpack style camera gear bags I've looked at are set up just FOR camera gear, no room for other backpacking/overnight necessities, so I just get a back that's easy to get into, comfortable, and then go about modifying to suit what I want and need. Good luck with your hike, and be sure to post some pics for us!