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  Photography Forum: Digital Photography Q&A Forum: 
  Q. From Film To Digital

Asked by Justin Zawada    (K=104) on 3/19/2007 
Hey I am deciding to finally go over to the digital side. Not 100% sure on what camera I want though, hopefully you can have some opinions based on my work. Here is some photos I have taken (link below), and im more intrested into moving into the street/fashion photos soon.


 Jeroen Wenting  Donor  (K=25317) - Comment Date 3/19/2007
Impossible to tell. What are your requirements, what is your budget, what's available where you live?

Chris Hunter
 Chris Hunter   (K=25634) - Comment Date 3/21/2007
It's more about the glass than the body, even with dSLRs. Cameras in a comparable price range between different manufacturers will offer basically equal results as far as image quality & resolution.

What's more important is how you like to shoot, and the ergonomics of each camera model... which unfortunately no one can determine but yourself. Also, if you have one favorite lens, that is manufactured by a certain camera company, that would be more important to me then whether one camera has 10MP & another 12MP.

Are you invested in one brand of lenses?

Chris Hunter
 Chris Hunter   (K=25634) - Comment Date 3/21/2007
..sorry - and by invested I mean $1000-3000+ spent on that brand.

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