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  Photography Forum: Digital Darkroom Forum: 
  Q. Digital-to-Transpanency

Asked by Jim     (K=0) on 4/17/2002 
Let's see if anyone has tried this crazy idea!

I'm almost ready to go digital, because of the high cost of film & processing and the problems with carrying film onto an airplane. My wife and usually I take 40-50 rolls of Provia on our vacations. On our last trip, which left on Sep 15th 2001 (9/11 + 4), it didn't seem to be a good idea to ask for hand-check of film! Unfortunately, either some of my film was already damaged or the xrays got to it and I lost a lot of shots.

We like to create slide shows. And I don't mean on a computer screen, I mean projected on a large screen for an audience. Digital could make this easy, on an unlimited budget. But digital projectors currently exceed my LIFETIME budget for photography equipment! So here's my hair-brained idea:

Spring for a decent digital SLR (the EOS D60 looks great) and a high-end LCD monitor. Go on vacation and take a few thousand exposures. Bring them all home, weed them down to a couple hundred and create a nice slide show on the desktop. When it all looks perfect, get out the old film camera and shoot just one exposure of each digital slide on Fujichrome. Voila! A film slide show at a fraction of the cost (except for the camera & monitor) of the old method. What I'm trying to do, of course, is stay away from the poor resolution and absurd cost of the digital projector.

The question is, is it possible to get film-quality shots off an LCD monitor, without bracketing? I know how to shoot off the monitor, and I've done it for title slides with braketing, but I'm concerned about getting good shots of photos with great detail and subtle color gradations. I have a low-end LCD monitor, which I know has inadequate resolution, so I don't have the means to experiment. I don't want to invest in that expensive equipment until I'm convinced the approach will actually work!

Has anyone tried this?

p.s. I'm also aware of equipment that creates transpanencies from a video signal, but I doubt if that's in my budget either!


 Tim Hart   (K=80) - Comment Date 4/24/2002
Jim - I used to do the same thing (take slides from a CRT) as you with title slides. Do you or anybody else out there know wether a high quality CRT may be just as good (but cheaper) or better than a high quality LCD monitor? As far as quality of the image is concerned, when you think of the viewing distance (i.e. the size of the image on the viewing individual's retina), you may not need overly demanding constraints for resolution; you just need really high quality color reproduction in the monitor that you are taking slide film pictures of. I dont really know if I helped with this answers, but maybe someone more knowledgeable can take these thoughts and run with them.

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