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  Photography Forum: Digital Darkroom Forum: 
  Q. Trouble Scanning Netatives

Asked by John Rusinko    (K=401) on 1/12/2005 

I have been able to scan slides ok, on a Minolta Dual Scan IV. The scan is crisp and clean, I still have to work out the color correction. I have a slightly blue cast on a lot of the scans. The cast is not there on the slides them selves. The problem I am having is when I scan color negatives. I get a lot of 'noise' almost looks like it was shot on ISO 1000 film, but it was shot on ISO 100, this along with what looks like very fine pieces of lint maybe. Any ideas what this could be, I could post one if that would help, I just haven't saved any yet, cause they look like junk!



 Lea Mulqueen   (K=7396) - Comment Date 1/12/2005
John, I am not familiar with the Minolta, I use a Canoscan 4000, but, it sounds to me as if the problem is 1 or 2 things. Either the scanner is malfunctioning or, there are settings on it that are not set correctly. Have you pulled out the instruction book and checked to see if you need to manually change settings when going from slides to negs? It seems very odd that it does a good job on slides but not on negs. Hopefully some Minolta owner here can give more specfic advice. I've read reviews on that scanner and the reviews have been good, so, something is not right! And major color correction should not be needed! If not, I suggest going on the Minolta website and emailing their tech support. If all else fails and there is nothing mechanically wrong with the scanner you might want to try VUSCAN. It's scanner software that can be downloaded on line. I have friends who say it's the best scanner software available. They have a free trial version. Good luck!

 John Rusinko   (K=401) - Comment Date 1/12/2005
I get the same results with vuescan, very noisy image. I have tried cleaning the negatives, and that helped to some extent. The Color correction is minor, I think it may be my fault. I might try to uninstall, and reinstalling the software. I don't think the scanner if faulty, causew the slides come out good, check out my profile both waterfalls and the untitled ocean shot were scanned on the Dual Scan, as well as the 81 Camaro, from one of my B/W Negatives.

 Steve Green   (K=315) - Comment Date 1/12/2005
Hi John

This is a well known problem called "grain aliasing", in fact the scans aren't anything like as noisy as they appear in on the scanner software screen - take the plunge and save one and then look at it in something like photoshop.

Scans from negatives always look noiser than from slides, due in part, to the lower contrast of negatives, but you should be able to get scans that give you good A4 sized prints WITHOUT any appreciable visible grain from 100ASA film. Also make sure you negatives are well exposed, thin negatives will show this effect more.


 John Rusinko   (K=401) - Comment Date 1/12/2005
I did some reading during lunch, and I may be able to reduce, or remore this problem by using the 'Dust Brush" option and/or reducing the dpi of the scan from 3200 to something a little lower. I'll try this and post what I find.

 John Rusinko   (K=401) - Comment Date 1/14/2005
I saved one the other night and posted it this morning. Take a look, and see if anyone can figure out what is happening.


 Steve Green   (K=315) - Comment Date 1/17/2005
If that's the full frame then it's incredibly grainy, I can see the trouble your having.

The only time I get really grainy scans (nothing like as bad as yours though) is scanning low contrast negatives - such as shots taken out os a plane window.

What are your negatives like?
Does this happen with all films, or just this one?

I'm clutching at straws here, but is it possible that that this particular film has been badly processed or maybe fogged in some way?


 John Rusinko   (K=401) - Comment Date 1/17/2005
The print from this frame is fine. The negatives look good, Although some other negatives have better results.

 John Rusinko   (K=401) - Comment Date 1/18/2005
Update. I scanned some photos from a roll of Fuji Superior 400 and the result is much better, The light house is from Agfa Vista 100.

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