I would also highly recommend "Nadja" by Andre Breton (especially for the use of photographs), "This is not a pipe" by Michel Foucault (about Rene Magritte)and the photographs of Duane Michals (Is Michals a surrealist?)
There are also lots of good general histories of the movement to be found in the art section of libraries. If you can get it (out of print at the moment) the one by Maurice Nadeau is easily the best.
Surrealists valued photography highly and were in turn very influential. Check (amongst many others) Cecil Beaton, Man Ray, Eugene Atget, Lee Miller, ...
My personal favourite surrealist photographic book is "The Road Less Travelled" by Roland Penrose (pictures by Lee Miller).
At the risk of drifting off the point, Sigmund Freud's "Interpretation of Dreams" is a key text for understanding surrealism.
Incidentally - don't be tempted to confuse the merely whacky with the actually surreal.
Have fun - surrealism is fertile ground for photographic inspiration.