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Q. tips for the first time please...?
Asked by Reza Fakhrai
(K=3014) on 4/8/2005
Hello, I'm going to be attempting my first portrait-session this weekend with a female friend of mine. The use for the pictures is going to be a graduation announcement for her and some other pictures as well. I would love if someone could run down a checklist with me, some possible poses, some lighting do's and don'ts. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
---- Reza
Scott McFadden
(K=5663) - Comment Date 4/8/2005
Ask them to bring in a change of clothes, make sure they keep to simple flowing outfits as this will help posing. backgroud changes can be helpful though keep it simple. a reflector can be helpful .
Lea Mulqueen
(K=7396) - Comment Date 4/8/2005
Reza, you haven't given enough information for anyone to give you a good answer. Is the shoot in doors? Outdoors? Are you using natural light, studio lights of flash? If indoors, are you using backdrops?
Richard Dakin
(K=12915) - Comment Date 4/9/2005
I don't have much experience with portraits, but I have learned that it is helpful for the subject to bring a friend. She/he can help with positioning reflectors etc., and can even be a second subject if there is time. Good luck my friend.