Christie Koenigsknecht
{K:38} 10/23/2005
Awesome.... I like it. I am going to like this website... thanks for the URL.
-Christie K13 www.k13family.com
Louise Vessey
{K:13862} 8/8/2005
Thanks for clariftying Bunny :-)
Bunnie Chamberlain
{K:443} 8/3/2005
Louise....I'm Bunnie not Jan...Jan is my sister in law....almost.lol But thank you for your advise I will try that....oh yes I admire your portfolio I'm amazed with your talent.
Louise Vessey
{K:13862} 8/3/2005
I'm confused, are you Jan or Bunnie? Or the same person?? A teeny bit of fill flash would go a long way with people that have deep set eyes. I'm all for natural light but fill flash can still be used and look "natural but better" :-)
Bunnie Chamberlain
{K:443} 6/30/2005
Marcus, thank you she is a beautiful child and so cute in those pig tails!
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 6/30/2005
very cute portrait, I like the nice lighting and tones, but the expression is perfect, well done..
Jan .
{K:8693} 6/28/2005
Buns..I feel your pain over the eyes...but how could you resist that face and those adorable pigtails!!! Too cute!! (I love that lens!!!):))
Jan .
{K:8693} 6/28/2005
Hi Louise...I have to agree with you about the eyes being very dark, but I also have to say, I have never shot a child with eyes like Kennedy here. I worked on 3 different pics of her, myself, and never could brighten the eyes, because there's just no data there to bring up. She has the most beautiful, dark blue eyes, but they're a bear to shoot if they're not well lit. I actually considered cutting and pasting from a different photo of her...but quickly abandoned that idea.
Cheers Jan
Bunnie Chamberlain
{K:443} 6/27/2005
Louise, I know what you mean about her eyes...Jan Granger also took some shots of her and had the same problems...we figure we should shoot her from above having her look up at us...worth a try, anyway thanks for your great comments! =:) Bunnie
Louise Vessey
{K:13862} 6/27/2005
This is so much fun! Love the little ponytails and her expression is just priceless. You might consider dodging or lightening her eyes a little so we can see them. They look pretty black on my screen.
Bunnie Chamberlain
{K:443} 6/27/2005
Ange, thanks for the compliments!!! I didn't do anything to this photo except download it....it must be my camera and lens. Thanks loads!!!
Bunnie Chamberlain
{K:443} 6/27/2005
Sebastian, thank you for your comments. Bunnie
Angela Freed
{K:10061} 6/24/2005
Cute. Love how the background is fuzzed out so you don't see the shiny plastic. I took tons of this same shot and the plastic looks horrible. I need to do what you did adn see if I can salvage any of them. Angela
Sebastian Zachariah
{K:3382} 6/24/2005
I agree, what a doll. Well timed shot too..