Elena Zabelina
{K:23212} 4/4/2005
Thank you, Andrey. Da, mne tozhe ochen' ponravilsya snimok Elisa. I love all your photos very much. Ty hotel vzyat' ee snimok v Favorites, zabyl? Lena
{K:16195} 4/4/2005
One of the great one again. I like your series. Regards, Hayri.
Andrei Kislov
{K:4041} 4/4/2005
Wonderful still life, Lena! Pozhalui tozhe soglashus' s Nikolaem, naschet pravogo kraya. Nemnogo otvlekaet nalichie logo na bokalax, mozhet ix prosto razvernut' bokom? A tak priyatnyi svet i cvetovaya camma. Iz bokal'noi temy mne ochen' ponravilsya snimok "Empty"-author Elisa Svensson. V lubom sluchae - s nachinaniem novoi temy! warm regards _Andrei_
Elena Zabelina
{K:23212} 4/3/2005
Yes, Nikolay, you're right. Thank you very much for your advise and kind words. Lena
David Fisk
{K:7444} 4/3/2005
So nice to hear from you. I too have been very busy, but not much know. This is a well done still that looks fine to me. I see nothing I'd change for the better. Well done I'd say.
Warm wishes to you David
Nikolai Glinkin
{K:369} 4/3/2005
Definitely good abstract! Probably would cut some empty 5-7 mm from the right... I see Lena, you added new themes to your portfolio (and probably found new breath as a photographer)! Congrats! Nik