Walt McNeil
{K:2146} 12/21/2004
Thanks for your comments, Mark; I appreciate your thoughts.
Mark Kresl
{K:9434} 12/21/2004
A face like this says so much. One of my favorite types of subject. I have had a few mornings that I have had that green feeling too. Great job.
Walt McNeil
{K:2146} 12/21/2004
Thanks for your suggestions and comments.... I took this picture about 18 years ago in a faraway place so I doubt if he seven still alive.
But I have a reflector(never used) so i'll keep my eyes open for new subjects.
Richard Thornton
{K:26442} 12/20/2004
Yes, Walt, he definitely is green, but besides that he is an interesting character worthy of a portrait. I would suggest that you needed a reflector on the dark side to put some light in the shadow areas. Sometimes even a white wall close by is enough to fill in the shadows.
Walt McNeil
{K:2146} 12/20/2004
That's what I thought, too. Maybe he had a bad breakfast or was thinking about something he didn't want to do.BG
I'll work on it.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 12/20/2004
One my monitor, Walt, he looks a little green around the gills!(greenish cast to the skin) Dave.