Mary Therese Marie's Photos
{K:2174} 2/10/2011
oh.. .beautiful beautiful beautiful... perfect photo in a perfect setting with such a sweet dog!!
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 4/25/2007
She is a lovely one!!!I like her face expression,as she would say,do you have a bone for me??LOL! Very well done,Frank 7/7
Fred Lord
{K:4844} 8/2/2006
Frank: Die Schuld malt ihr Gesicht. Danke für Ihre liebenswürdigen Wörter.
j esford
{K:13518} 5/30/2006
Lemon trees? You've got lemon trees Frank? Man oh man, lemon trees and world-class beautiful, full-bosomed women, Frank, how does the other half live??? LOL -john
Eleisa Martin
{K:2569} 9/28/2005
What a great picture. I love her look and the colors.
Very nice work.
mustafa Karaçelebi
{K:1139} 5/25/2005
Beautufult picture Frank Yours erland
Erland Pillegaard
{K:34147} 5/13/2004
Beautufult picture Frank Yours erland
pete m coon
{K:16} 4/27/2004
nice soft composition,you truely captured thee emotion.
Min Sik
{K:125} 4/19/2004
Looks like a cousin of Rex the German Detective Dog ( a program my family adores).
Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 2/12/2004
Fantastic work!!!! wonderul lighting, great capture!!! best regards Jani
Hugo Pierre
{K:15692} 12/16/2003
Fantastic portrait of the most beautiful dog. Very well done and composed. Regards from Argentina.
John H.
{K:2158} 12/16/2003
What a great picture. Your composition and lighting, excellent. Nice depth of field. And of course Beautiful dog....
Joksa Juoperi
{K:13473} 12/16/2003
Great dog capture with nice details, colours and DOF. Regards, Joksa.
Lucas Macedo
{K:12843} 12/16/2003
Excellent capture and composition, Frank! Perfect definition and details on the dog, very good selective focus. Congrats! ..... Lucas
Megan McCluskey
{K:3762} 12/16/2003
What a funny shot. It is so crisp and clear that it almost looks surreal. I wish I had caught my lab rehanded while eating a entire crock pot full of barbeque ribs!
Nice shot.
: ) meg
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 12/16/2003
Frank, an beautiful Wolf Teunis