{K:13273} 3/19/2009
Nice crop and great colors. 7/7
Dee Fan
{K:146} 5/29/2004
so rich, so vibrant!
Rod McLeod
{K:677} 1/11/2004
A very beautiful macro image Estevao Jose,wonderful vibrant colours and superb sharp detail,focus and depth are just perfect,excellent work my friend,Kind Regards,Rod.
Masahiko Shibata
{K:14107} 12/13/2003
michelle k.
{K:16270} 12/12/2003
Amancio Couto
{K:15720} 11/18/2003
Esta e' uma das mais bonitas fotos macro que ja' vi neste site. ESPLENDIDA!!!
Kazik Janeczko
{K:1558} 11/5/2003
Beautiful and delicate. Great macro, excellent sharpness, details and nice colors. Regards, Kazik.
Valter de Castro
{K:4079} 10/16/2003
Grande Estevao, mais uma belissimo trabalho. Forte abraço meu amigo
MEmar ME
{K:12566} 10/15/2003
Olá Estevão: A beleza poisou aqui de mansinho para deslumbrar o nosso olhar. Que maravilha e perfeição!...Um verdadeira obra de arte e sedução. Um sorriso.
Rafal K. Komierowski
{K:6441} 10/13/2003
Wonderful composition Estevao! You are master of spectacular macro shots. Impressive colors! Friendly regards, Rafal
Carolyn Wiesbrock
{K:14051} 10/12/2003
Beautiful colors and excellent detail!
Amancio Couto
{K:15720} 10/12/2003
Maravilhoso!...Maginifico macro!..Cores exepcionalmente lindissimas. Parabens amigo Estevao!...
Marcio Cabral
{K:12496} 10/10/2003
Lindíssima macro e cores Estevão! Um abraço!!
Maurilio Ultramari
{K:8200} 10/6/2003
Grande Estevão! Show de foto! até parece que foi feito com Pentax! Abraço.
Jorge Vasconcelos
{K:33746} 10/5/2003
Ói Estevão,mineiro e pantaneiro corinthiano!Temos andado por sendas diferentes,percorrido outras avenidas,mas não esqueço aquele amigo de outras guerras e outros carnavais.Como sempre fotografas bem,perfeito,sem mácula.Mas fotografas menos, quase nada.E de foto tu sabes tudo,podes dar lições a muita gente que se julga sabida. Daqui te abraço e te desejo tudo de bom e que te veja mais frequentemente. Um abração, jorge
Alex Uchôa
{K:18547} 10/4/2003
Lindíssimas cores e ótimo DOF, Estevão.
lidian neeleman
{K:6700} 10/3/2003
excellent color combination in this beautiful close-up!
Jose Rasquinho
{K:12128} 10/3/2003
Tão perto que penso que consigo ver-lhe os dentes! Excelente macro Estevão! Talvez com um nada de saturação a mais, mas mesmo assim, um grande trabalho. Um abraço.
Allen Aisenstein
{K:5652} 10/2/2003
WOW! Beautiful macro capture Estevao Jose, with great color, nice composition, and fine detail. Great work my friend. Regards, Allen
Barb Langer
{K:438} 10/1/2003
She is a beauty. You have captured her well. I love those vibrant colors. A hug from the heart of your flower.... Barb :)
Gabriele Pfund
{K:11745} 9/30/2003
Very effective composition Jose! I must admit: first I missed the entire wings of the butterfly... but the more I look at it, the moore I like it just as it is. Though the butterfly is the main subject, it's the light and the strong, vivid colours which make this picture very special, and the cropping is going with that very well! Very beautiful again!!! Regards :)
Leslie Cohelan
{K:20807} 9/29/2003
As always you present us with some beautiful colors ...this time a butterfly...I must admit I miss the wing tips, but i also see what you are doing by concentrating on the colors...and that works...always a pleasure to view your images, my friend
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 9/29/2003
nice macro and colors, good
Armando Jorge
{K:7937} 9/28/2003
Excellent shot !! Great colors !!
Romulo Lubachesky
{K:11836} 9/27/2003
Excelente macro, parabéns
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 9/27/2003
As usualy your photos are so rich in colours! Very beautiful vivid!
xy x
{K:41915} 9/27/2003
wow, absolutely amazing, what a beauty, excellent job, congratulations!
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 9/27/2003
muito bonita.parabens.a big 10.
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 9/27/2003
the top!!!!!
oeyvind toft
{K:307} 9/27/2003
Very fresh and juicy. In my mind, a little bit TOO juicy. Less saturation wouldnt do this fine image any harm.