david henderson
{K:16659} 11/3/2009
....the goddess of figurines, indeed she is.....where the hell's Deby?......actually this is what happens to you if you eat too much kfc, another scary statistic and your excellent image can do much to encourage a healthier more peaceful existence for young people with a tendency to frequent Deby's fast food outlets.....good workk Roger. david.
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 10/10/2009
hehe thanks Tosh
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 10/9/2009
earth mothers musty piles
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 9/29/2009
http://5letters.deviantart.com/... check her clour work
see my comments to Soph on this one too btw
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 9/29/2009
thanks Soph.. yeah it show the nude is in nature alright.. when I saw it I was doing 130kmh towards Derby and by the time I had figured it'd be OK to use.. you know I thought Owen would like it etc.. I was well passed it so the next road sign I saw I remembered added the approximate distance on and on the way back saw the sign and slowed down and after a while came upon this little lady.. I was gonna call it Madonna but I thought I might upset someone else.. so...
Mark Southcombe
{K:2910} 9/29/2009
This one cracks me up. Well spotted.
Sophie King
{K:3250} 9/29/2009
Thats the coolest thing ever! We learned about the Venus of Willendorf in year 12 =) mr holdsworth loved the scuplture but the original was SO TINY! =)