Roy V
{K:13082} 12/11/2003
luisa, Your photos are very beautiful! Roy
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 7/8/2003
Thank you for your comment. I used to play the violin, but no more, so I send you the piano.
Rafal K. Komierowski
{K:6441} 6/17/2003
Impressive composition. You have wonderfully achieved warm painterly effect.
{K:333} 6/8/2003
I've looked through your portfolio and think you are a great portrait photographer. You have a great eye for commposition and your subjects are posed very well. This shot seems a little soft too me but that's just my opinion. Overall it's a wonderful picture and you should be proud of it.
Samvise Gamgee
{K:1999} 6/4/2003
che dire????? devo aggiungere qualcosa????
István Sándor
{K:2411} 6/4/2003
beautiful image excellent ligts !!!!! beauiful colours
Valter de Castro
{K:4079} 6/4/2003
Excellent portrait and light Luisa! ciao!!
Jose Rasquinho
{K:12128} 6/4/2003
Porque non un "sol"? excellent picture.
Alberto Agnoletti
{K:12811} 6/3/2003
Foto molto intensa!!! Brava. Ciao Alberto
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 6/3/2003
Lovely and sweet capture! Very timeless!
Richard Thornton
{K:26442} 6/3/2003
Nice window-type light.
donato r.
{K:16361} 6/2/2003
ancora una splendida foto----bravissima!
Nicola Vassallo
{K:9801} 6/2/2003
ciao Luisa, stavolta mi sono ritrovato al fanalino di coda...; sto un pň trascurando "usefilm"...e non va mica bene... comuunque vedo che tu invece continui a sfornare ottime foto e sfamare l'inesauribile stomaco di questo sito di foto!
Daniela Caneschi
{K:906} 6/1/2003
Bellissima luce, espressione simpatica e naturale
Jose Mendes
{K:190} 6/1/2003
An excellent portrait with nice light!
pippo giuseppe
{K:16421} 6/1/2003
una piccola artista!!splendida immagine!! ben realizzata!! brava Luisa saluti Maria grazia
Alius Vetus
{K:1795} 5/31/2003
Very sweet, Luisa. Nice pose and light. Regards.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 5/31/2003
ottima foto... con molta dolcezza... un regalo per te se non ti offendi http://www.usefilm.com/showphoto.php?id=148032&ref=email
ciao roberto!
Marco Grandi
{K:16680} 5/31/2003
Tenerissima,Luisa!!Di una dolcezza incredibile!!Bravissima. Ciao Marco.
Marcio Cabral
{K:12496} 5/31/2003
Excellent portrait and light Luisa! ciao!!
cinzia gregorutti
{K:4721} 5/31/2003
Marília Ferraz
{K:-4756} 5/31/2003
Ciao Luisa, molto dolce, molto bello. A presto, Marilia
Armando Jorge
{K:7937} 5/31/2003
Excellent portrait !!!
Naty Z
{K:16436} 5/31/2003
ritratto molto elegante! Ciao! :)
Guelfo Ajello
{K:7519} 5/31/2003
Un' immagine ottocentesca, luci sognanti ! ( E' una viola o č il violino che sembra piů grande ?!)
Alexey Sapa
{K:27174} 5/31/2003
Luisa! I have rear comment portraits, but I'm admiring with This one! I do like how it's composed and done! Beautiful shot! Regards, ALexey
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 5/31/2003
wow~~ very nice photo~~ thanks~~
lucio brando
{K:2295} 5/31/2003
ottima composizione molto dolce ciao lucio
{K:16195} 5/31/2003
Beautiful portrait.Great lighting used. Regards, Hayri.