Mehul Chimthankar
{K:18655} 9/9/2008
Hi Pablo,
Excellent Street shot
Tommaso Di Falco
{K:23819} 9/6/2008
Ottimo scatto della serie il linguaggio del corpo, Pablo. E' un genere che prediligo e hai azzeccato in pieno il titolo.
Ciao, Tommaso
1301307 60
{K:44058} 9/6/2008
I like his position within this graphic wall, I like his perm press pants as against the background, well taken pablo. I also notice your Fantastic image of the nude painter.. that was really a great concept.. congratulations! regards..
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 9/2/2008
Excellent quality, nice lines, textures, and contrast...with interesting subject who appears to be in deep thought - maybe 'remembering what was' ... Good work as usual dear Pablo
Joao Sousa
{K:1796} 9/1/2008
Great street shot Pablo! Nice black and white!
Luca Peccerillo
{K:17660} 9/1/2008
Uno sguardo davvero agghiacciante!! Bel soggetto..........ma cosa era?
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 9/1/2008
Deep in his thoughts!!Very well seen and taken!Great street capture and nice tones. Hugs to you Mr.FAMOUS man ! Nicki;)
{K:70138} 9/1/2008
excellent once again, my friend ! ciao, Avi
Gaetano (Nino) Aievoli
{K:7118} 9/1/2008
Cosa sta pensando-quiz!? Ah... saperlo, saperlo. Nel frattempo il fotografo ha fatto un ottimo scatto e questo è quello che conta! Ciao Paolo, Nino
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 9/1/2008
Excellently taken and composed candid shot dear Pablo, well done !!! My best, Srna
txules .
{K:62768} 9/1/2008
yes, great as usual, the empty room on the right drives the view to the left following the main subject and ask ourselfs what he is looking at; excellent be well...txules
Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)
{K:27380} 9/1/2008
very well composed candid shot!! congrat.! all the best, arif
Aykaan K
{K:13601} 9/1/2008
très bon travail.. salutations...
Mojgan Bahasadri
{K:16243} 9/1/2008
Wonderful candid shot,friend Pablo. Really like the expression.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 9/1/2008
Good street shot, Pablo! You've caught his expression of concentration and posture very well. Dave.