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Taj Shrouded In Cloud
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Image Title:  Taj Shrouded In Cloud
Favorites: 2 
 By: Sid Banerjee  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer  Sid Banerjee {Karma:3127}
Project #33 Pictures of Famous Places Camera Model Nikon D80
Categories Architecture
Film Format Digital RAW
Portfolio Lens 70-300 VR
Uploaded 2/28/2008 Film / Memory Type Extreme-II 2 GB SD
    ISO / Film Speed 200
Views 706 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 74 Rating
/ 14 Ratings
Location City -  Agra
State - 
Country - India   India
About I was in Agra for a conference, but took my chance bunked, and started for TAJ, it was raining and the idea of getting a good pic was getting dimmer by the seconds....... what I got is this... The immortal monument that is a symbol of luv made even more captivating by the cloud... Hope you guys like it
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There are 74 Comments in 1 Pages
abhik bhattacharya abhik bhattacharya   {K:1443} 10/21/2009
somehow different!...base'ta arektu thakle bodhoye better laagto...


Sethu S Sethu S   {K:1243} 10/25/2008
fantastic shot of Taj..Rain filled clouds have really helped to create wonderful mood!..impressive work!


g.abadian g.abadian   {K:144} 4/18/2008
amazing captuer.i had seen a lot of agra photo but this one is the most beautiful.well done sid.
regards golnoosh


Sujan Miah   {K:1} 4/7/2008
in love, amazing image


Satish Sundar   {K:814} 3/31/2008
Absolutely Fabulous. Difficult to get a shot under such light conditions. Great POV and composition


Carlos Carpinteiro Carlos Carpinteiro   {K:1563} 3/29/2008
We allways see fotos of Taj with a great blue sky , i prefer this one.
Keep on your good work.


Anirjoy     {K:1153} 3/16/2008
darun chobi, bhishon symmetric o mone hochhe, ashole jaegata iteslf eto ta beshi mood tao too good...realy worth capture it. ar shetar purota ushul kore niecho;-)


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 3/8/2008
HI dave thanks for your comment, I am pretty novice with post processing, I didnt do anything other than contast boost and saturation.....


Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 3/7/2008
I do like it, the storm cloud surely presents a very dramatic mood, well done with a good perspective!! Did you tone map your RAW file with HDR software, sure looks like it. The tones are great!

Best wishes,


Dirk Noort Dirk Noort   {K:9683} 3/5/2008
Excellent!! Beautiful composition, I will visit Agra one day!


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 3/4/2008
Yeah dear 70-300mm the distance was to much too handle with a 18-70mm,if i remember correctly the focal length was around 150mm


Brigitte R. Brigitte R.   {K:25989} 3/4/2008
Perfect shot! Very dramatic sky. Love the bird and those like ants - great for scale! Did you really use the 70-200 lens though? Looks like wide-angle shot. Magnificent!!


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 3/4/2008
Thanks tob, for your wonderful comment I appreciate


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 3/4/2008
KOthay chili bhaya etodin.....


Tobiasz Siotor Tobiasz Siotor   {K:1383} 3/3/2008
Wonderfull shot, My best wishes Sid.
Very good work and wonderfull architecture shot.

Best regards. Tob


soumya  soumya     {K:13087} 3/3/2008
gorgeous! wah taj..


Justin Campbell Justin Campbell   {K:1398} 3/3/2008
Absolutely stunning image. Perfect colours, crop, comp, everything. Very enjoyable to look at. Excellent


Rajesh Bhattacharjee   {K:3647} 3/1/2008
hehehehehe. pore dekhlam. jar sathe amay guliyecho tar nam rajib banerjee


jacques brisebois   {K:73883} 2/29/2008
great capture, very nice contrast on that dramatic sky.


Etem Etem Etem Etem   {K:3551} 2/29/2008


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/29/2008
Cari Ugo ringrazio molto per il vostro gentile commenti


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/29/2008
Boyesh hocchey rey bhai rajesh eta money koriye diley..... choriyechi dedaar hehehehe


Ugo Rimoldi Ugo Rimoldi   {K:6232} 2/29/2008
Un monumento immortale presentato in maniera eccellente! ++++++++++


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/29/2008
Dear Stan thank you so much I appreciate


Rajesh Bhattacharjee   {K:3647} 2/29/2008
hehehehe. na na amar kono pakhir chobite tumi comment koro ni. anno karur sathe guliye felecho :)


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/29/2008
Money hoy to korechiley tomaar oi pakhir chobitate amaar commenter reply'e....neways....thanks once again


Stan Ciszek Stan Ciszek   {K:56854} 2/29/2008
Just magnificent capture my friend,
Thanks for sharing,


Rajesh Bhattacharjee   {K:3647} 2/29/2008
ami to neat image niye kichu jigges kori ni :):)


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/29/2008
THank you rajesh.... na bhai eta HDR ekkebarei noy....aar as for neat image eta holo ekta noise reduction s/w khub bhalo kaaj kore aar jara D80 use kore tader eta must..


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/29/2008
Thanks Armen....


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/29/2008
Yeah so true gary....right place and right time.... this condition of the sky was there for around 2 hrs after that the sky became absolute blue... I have those pics which I will later share with you guys...... and once again thanks for taking your time out and commenting


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/29/2008
Thank you dear mark.....


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/29/2008
130 ???? well whoever u r friend... thank u for your inspiring comments


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/29/2008
THanks dada....


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/29/2008
Thanks deep....mon diye porashuna kor hotbhaga


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/29/2008
Thank you tapasda....


Rajesh Bhattacharjee   {K:3647} 2/28/2008
great shot. taj er erokom color ar lighting kom dekhechi. eta ki HDR?


Armen Haroutunyan Armen Haroutunyan   {K:4787} 2/28/2008
wonderful shot


Gary Dyck Gary Dyck   {K:12834} 2/28/2008
Great shot, Siddhartha! All about being at the right place at the right time. Excellent lighting on the Taj which is all the more stunning with the dark, foreboding clouds in the background. Very impressive. Cheers, Gary


Mark Pitt Mark Pitt   {K:791} 2/28/2008
Another great shot, excellent contrast.


1301307 60 1301307 60   {K:44058} 2/28/2008
Fantastic light, the taj is really seen well with this dark clouds at the background..
magnificent capture...


Atish Sen   {K:6346} 2/28/2008
very nice


tapas banerjee   {K:1711} 2/28/2008
Fantastic shot !


Debdeep Rakshit   {K:312} 2/28/2008
Excellent work sirji..


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 2/28/2008
You are very welcome Dada ! :)


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/28/2008
Jaak reply dili taholey bhablaam bhuley tuley gechish :)


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/28/2008
Thank you yazeed


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/28/2008
THanks mauri


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/28/2008
THanks you pamela.....


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/28/2008
dada???????????????????????? how do u know bengali.... and thanks for the welcome note


. B . B   {K:1815} 2/28/2008
This is a breathtaking capture Siddhartha. Very nice indeed!


Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 2/28/2008
bah.. darun alo !!


M  jalili M  jalili   {K:69009} 2/28/2008
A very beaufiful work and big Perspective . 7/7 ...............


Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 2/28/2008
Good work Dada,thanks for your kind comment and welcome on use,riny


M. Bi M. Bi   {K:3646} 2/28/2008
Beautiful pictures


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/28/2008
thanks srna...hugs to you too......


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 2/28/2008
The immortal monument as a symbol of you have made really more captivating by these clouds, light and the bird ... stunning capture, my very best compliments Siddhartha !!!


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/28/2008
Thanks friend (Biljana).... bigger hug reciprocated dear....


yasargun muslum yasargun muslum   {K:6647} 2/28/2008
Hii, nice shot.


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 2/28/2008
Amazing picture of this amazing temple of love !!!
Wonderful,and I am envious cause you saw it by your own eyes:))
big hug


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/28/2008
Dear Eve, thanks for appreciating


Ieva Miltina Ieva Miltina   {K:125} 2/28/2008
great picture!


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/28/2008
Thank you gholi for your kind comments


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/28/2008
Thanks a lot Rishi


Gholi Shahidi Gholi Shahidi   {K:-1321} 2/28/2008
What a great picture. never seen Taj like this before.


Debarshi Duttagupta Debarshi Duttagupta   {K:26815} 2/28/2008
wow great work Sunny da.


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/28/2008
Hey Jen thats so sweet of you......


Jen van Wijn Jen van Wijn   {K:24075} 2/28/2008
Waiting for this one...the sky is the limit, those moody clouds and the special light makes it wonderful dear friend! Far beyond 7++++ :)) xxJen


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/28/2008
Dear Derek, thank you for your kind comments, the cloud is the only factor which makes this picture non cliched.....


Darek Krajewski Darek Krajewski   {K:857} 2/28/2008
Really, i love this clouds. Great lights, well done Siddhartha


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/28/2008
Dear Abhijit, absolutely...meena bazar..a visual trat man..... I have plenty more which I will slowly upload u know the non donor stuff :)


Sid Banerjee   {K:3127} 2/28/2008
Thanks abhra bhaya


abhra aich   {K:8830} 2/28/2008
wonderful shot. beautiful colours...


Abhijit Bhatlekar Abhijit Bhatlekar   {K:1599} 2/28/2008
Absolutely it is great. You got really rare light conditions and have made the best use for that. I am sure you have shot some more images, somewhat with the LIFE AROUND TAJ...??? Fine if have captured it




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