Alessandro Capelli
{K:34805} 7/17/2006
Thank you so much for your comment Danny! Ciao, Ale
Danny Brannigan
{K:19523} 7/17/2006
Whatever it is it is certainly beautiful. You have photographed it so well.
Alessandro Capelli
{K:34805} 7/17/2006
Yes, it's really particular! I think that it lives only in Central Europe, probably..but I don't know certainly..I'm happy that you like it! Many thanks for the comment, Ale
Mary Slade
{K:40338} 7/17/2006
Never seen a flower like it. And I really like it- the colour ad the shape of it. I like the ligting and the circular shape of it.
Alessandro Capelli
{K:34805} 7/16/2006
In effetti prima di questa primavera pur avendone visti gią tanti non sapevo che fossero i raperonzoli..č stato mio cugino Emanuele, che studia botanica, a spiegarmelo! E non so come si chiami in inglese, mi piacerebbe scoprirlo..ma forse non ci sono neanche in alcuni paesi questi fiori! Ciao Maurizio, alla prossima! Ale
Maurizio Ubaldini
{K:1350} 7/16/2006
Ti dirņ che non avevo mai visto un raperonzolo, non si finisce mai d'imparare, bella macro, Ciao Ale...
Alessandro Capelli
{K:34805} 7/16/2006
Thanks to you and Heather, I hope that someone can tell me this flower's name! I will continue my search! Many thanks for your comment my dear friend, I wish you all the very best...Ale
Alessandro Capelli
{K:34805} 7/16/2006
eh eh..hai visto Emanuele, mi sono ricordato della tua lezione di botanica!
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 7/16/2006
Not a flower that Heather or I are familiar with my dear friend so cannot help you. It is a very unusual flower Ale and you have captured it very well. Beautiful rich colour tone, great clarity in the details and a perfect dof. Well done to you. All the best.....Ray
Emanuele Capelli
{K:6110} 7/15/2006
buona memoria Alessandro!č proprio un raperonzolo di roccia...