Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 9/19/2006
Looks like a keyhole, very nice composition with splendid architecture. Well presented work, lovely silhouettes and details. Wonderfully done my friend!
Have a nice day dear Tarek! Robert
Amr Hussien
{K:200} 8/10/2006
first of all i miss ur shots, where r u? thanks alot dor the support , regarding my Egyption folklore picture it was talking by ur brother by ur camera this is the only picture that i didnt take by myself, i use my mobile camera but i will buy a good digital camera soon, waitting for ur lovely shots.
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 6/30/2006
original y estupenda imagen.. felicitaciones!!
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 6/29/2006
The back ground enhance the main subject.Good job! Regards,Riny
Tarek El-Molla
{K:5377} 6/23/2006
thanks alot Riham best regards
Riham Essam
{K:4931} 6/23/2006
Very nice angle & comp. Tarek ..realy nice framing too, well done my friend ..:)
Best regards, Riham Essam
Tarek El-Molla
{K:5377} 6/22/2006
thanks alot Mr. Galal best regards
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 6/22/2006
Great angle & framing , very well taken Tarek .
Tarek El-Molla
{K:5377} 6/22/2006
thanks alot Khaled i really appreciate it best regards
Tarek El-Molla
{K:5377} 6/22/2006
thanks alot N3ma glad u like it best regards
Tarek El-Molla
{K:5377} 6/22/2006
thanks alot Maryam for this nice comment sure i'd love to see ur pix but yeah i didn't study architecture thanks again best regards
Tarek El-Molla
{K:5377} 6/22/2006
thanks alot Omnia glad u like it best regards
Tarek El-Molla
{K:5377} 6/22/2006
thanks kambiz best regards
Tarek El-Molla
{K:5377} 6/22/2006
thanks alot Francisco for ur nice comment best regards
Tarek El-Molla
{K:5377} 6/22/2006
thanks alot dear Rashed best regards
Khaled Mursi Hammoud
{K:54005} 6/22/2006
Excellent architecture shot Tarek. I like the framing with the silhouetted arch as well as the lantern. Good work. Khaled.
N3ma Allah Hisham
{K:5465} 6/22/2006
wonderful shot..original composition..great contrast..very well done
Maryam Shokri
{K:3545} 6/21/2006
great architectural shot, wonderful lighting and contrasts, excellent framing, and very well composed...i have some piX simillar to this one of yours in colors, u could check them out if intrested...ain't u studied architecture, regarding to ur profile? anyways, very well done and congrats
best regards, MaryaM :)
Omnia Mamdouh
{K:5107} 6/21/2006
One of the most wonderful shots i ever see to Ibn Tulun, amazing B&W. well done
Kambiz K
{K:37420} 6/21/2006
ni cE one
Francisco N-G
{K:28728} 6/21/2006
Very nice framing and contrast. I like the related symmetry between the frame and the doors of the building in the background. Good eye for placing the hanging ornaments in hot spots.
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 6/21/2006
very great capture and with wonderful framing and contrast , all of the best my friend