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Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
4/2/2006 1:11:42 AM

thank u , ayman
but this don't want to be a nice and well done shot...
it's only the worst epilogue of an appalling news story recently happened here in italy...
Tommy, 19Months old, kidnapped 1 month ago, and found tonight killed and buried...
there's something wrong in this world.
        Photo By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/31/2006 2:41:31 PM

excellent landscape, Keith!
great shot of a great county
the clouds drive my eyes to the left lower corner
giving a strong sense to the ruins.
i like the lighting,that give the idea of the strongness of the stones,but in the same time, i could perceive how weak they could be thanks to the two backlighted windows that show how thin these centuries-old walls are ...
        Photo By: Keith Saint  (K:13784) Donor

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/31/2006 1:42:33 PM

Ciao Andrea!
per essere il tuo primo tentativo di natura morta, devo dire che e' riuscito moolto bene
se ti piace il genere, prova a fare una ricerca sui pittori della scuola olandese-fiamminga,
Christopher Paudiss
Pieter Claesz
Jan Davidsz
Sebastian Stosskopf
e via dicendo...
Per quanto riguarda il riflesso, non ti preoccupare, in quanto i riflessi, in questo genere di foto (e pittura), aggiungono tridimensionalità e realismo
io , personalmente adoro questo genere di pittura e fotografia, qualche tentativo nel mio portfolio c'e', sto cercando di reperire degli oggetti per un progetto che ho in mente... speriamo ben'
mi son permesso di ritoccare la tua foto, aggiungendo un filtro arancio 85 e una texture tipo tela fammi sapere che ne pensi!
        Photo By: Andrea Passadore  (K:163)

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/31/2006 12:57:49 PM

looking at this composition, i feel the same emotion that i prove when i watch slides on the light table
so many tiny beautiful images, colorful and lot of little details to look at....
very intense
thank u again for my name on the list, but the first u've to thank, are YOU!
congrats again, Doug!
        Photo By: 神 風  (K:10665) Donor

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/31/2006 12:45:56 PM

Hi, Doug!
definitely, an astonishing composition of exquisite taste!
a wall-hanger
straight to my favorites
thank u for the dedication list!
        Photo By: 神 風  (K:10665) Donor

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/30/2006 6:10:30 PM

i was been tempted so many times to post this shot, but everytime i look at it, i was discouraged from the tourists on the footbridge...
... today, i've tried to clean they out from the pic,and i've touched up the colors of the original because these are closer to the incredible colors of that unique place...
i think now look better!
        Photo By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/30/2006 1:20:00 PM

Hi, Sebastian!

beautiful subject and very good execution,
as usual...
You, lucky man, to have around all these frogs
pleasant warm colorful shot!
appropriate DOF
an alternative title, IMHO could be:
"Be 3"

        Photo By: Sebastian Duda zolo2  (K:41)

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/30/2006 1:07:04 PM

this shot really remind me of Dreamworks skg logo!
the slightly blurred look, add a touch of drama to the whole, like a painting.
        Photo By: lius hanzen  (K:2844)

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/30/2006 2:05:35 AM

Hi, Brian!
Despite the bad problems caused by the drought, this shot look terrific!
monster-details and a sky that look painted by Tiepolo!!
great work on tones and appropriate low point of view...
another wonderful shot from u, brian!
thank u
        Photo By: brian underdown  (K:-960)

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/30/2006 1:47:55 AM

Hi, Hugo!
this shot, perfectly describe that harsh environment proper of DV...
i was been there in AUG '03 with my wife Eleonora Frago: wonderful out-of-this-world landscape; a true inferno on earth!
i'll never forget; just one minute out of the car to take a pic of Badwater, and my EOS 1V got so hot that i couldn't able to keep in my hands...
and there was no water! uhmm i'm pretty sure that we was been there in the wrong season..mhmhmh
congratulations for this shot, Hugo!
a very good series.
        Photo By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/30/2006 1:32:44 AM

Hi, my friend!
perfect title for the perfect picture!
the white stones, really look like a white cascade in the red rocks...
beautiful clear and deep blue sky and amazing detail, Joggie!
        Photo By: Joggie van Staden  (K:41700)

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/30/2006 1:04:14 AM

an extra-huge-heavy-anabolyzed kitty!
what kind of cat food u use in ZA? eheh
ehm... even if i put together my eight cats and my dog, they couldn't reach the same size of that "kitty"
you look so sweet together!
        Photo By: Shirley Grove  (K:5514)

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/30/2006 12:35:56 AM

my friend,an hard-to-find situation like this, deserve a picture as u've done!
at a first glance, they look like are doing some sort of "invasion" eheh, the window cleaners SWAT!
congrats for the well deserved award,John!
        Photo By: AJ Miller  (K:49168) Donor

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/30/2006 12:27:32 AM

amico mio....
non so cos'altro aggiungere!
        Photo By: Mattia L.  (K:7625)

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/30/2006 12:23:04 AM

bello scatto, Roby!
mi piacerebbe vedere la stessa foto in situazioni diverse, tipo con la carrozzeria pulita, d'estate, con la gibigiana del calore, con la carrozzeria sporca e impolverata... montate insieme, non sarebbero male come idea!
piccole cose che quotidianamente passano spesso inosservate...
        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/30/2006 12:17:37 AM

bella, Antonio!
la foto è da gran colpo d'occhio, e il titolo mi ha piegato in due...eheh
trattore da pastore con la pecora in amore
gran bello scatto! mi sarebbe piaciuto anche un po' più carico di colore, ma anche cosi', il gioco di curve formato dalle colline è ok!
        Photo By: antonio nullus  (K:8540)

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/24/2006 1:23:43 PM

good message, Brian!
together with your "gone fishing" shot, this one also transmit the right feel of calmness and relax...
the green tint of the half-dome, focus the attention of the viewer on the relax concept of "take a time for yourself" of who is sitted inside.
the three fishing rods on a stand,let me imagine the fisherman it's relaxing into the tent looking at the landscape...
another work well done, Brian!
        Photo By: brian underdown  (K:-960)

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/24/2006 12:48:44 PM

gran bello scatto, Alberto!
riesce a trasmettere la sensazione di superiorità che un elemento naturale, quale il fuoco, ci incute
ottimo controllo in una situazione difficile
una curiosità: l'uomo è un montaggio o era parte dello scatto? la luce è a dir poco surreale
(spero anche io che nessuno si sia fatto male!)
        Photo By: a. gianfranco baccelli  (K:21379)

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/24/2006 2:29:14 AM

bellissimo ritratto, i toni della pelle molto morbidi e l'espressione di Giada assorta come solo i bimbi sanno essere
Se mi posso permettere un solo piccolo appunto:
io ridurrei il corpo del carattere del nome e lo metterei meno in evidenza, tipo in piccolo, verticale su un bordo della foto e sposterei il titolo in basso; così come sono ora, rischiano di diventare elementi di distrazione
e' un parere, eh!
bel lavoro!
        Photo By: Enzo del Pozzo  (K:78)

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/24/2006 2:20:43 AM

despite the sadness i feel , seeing a pizza hut (that has nothing to do with the real pizza,ehm)
on that magnificent panorama, U've got a very nice idea!
the inverted brand work really well!
        Photo By: Elba Parra  (K:79)

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/23/2006 4:32:38 PM

beautiful street photo, Andrei!
look pretty vintage, is it an old shot, or an actual one?
magnific expressions...
i like the feel of unconfortableness that the man with the pinstriped dress transmit...
        Photo By: andrei iliescu  (K:-14)

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/23/2006 1:12:27 AM

yes, great mood...
the strange feel that fill a train compartment when different people (known or unknown) share the same tight space for many hours...
good work!
more introspective, than representative...
...also 25 years ago u were a talented photographer
        Photo By: Dennis Hendricksen  (K:4817) Donor

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/23/2006 12:56:40 AM

wow, Hugo!
looking at this shot, i feel myself like someone who's falling from a steep slope!
vertigo... lost of control... adrenaline...
it remember me of my great times when i was a downhill biker...
imho, this is the strongest shot of the tryptic
really good experience with this strange and out-of-schemes kind of lens
        Photo By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/23/2006 12:40:56 AM

Ciao, Mattia!
lo strano punto di vista, la composizione e un taglio a dir poco azzardato, fanno di questa foto, un qualcosa di speciale!
se poi ci aggiungi pure la sgranatura, che e' un qualcosa che adoro nelle foto in bn...beh.... i love it!
complimenti per il tuo felice occhio!
stai sfornando ottimi lavori!
        Photo By: Mattia L.  (K:7625)

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/23/2006 12:34:51 AM

hi, my friend!
i agree with hugo!
a so distorted point of view, intentional or not, eliminate any possible staticism from this shot!
almost nothing is straight on this pic; from the rope, to the poles... add the beautiful colors and the good DOF... u obtain a really well deserved award!
congrats, my friend!
and go on!
        Photo By: João F * Photography  (K:41945) Donor

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/23/2006 12:20:31 AM

eh... che mare....
cosi' mi piace!
mi ricorda molto Cala Sarraina, vicino a trinità d'Agultu e Vignola, dove sono stato in vacanza l'anno scorso... il mare arrabbiato nero anche col ciel sereno...
        Photo By: antonio nullus  (K:8540)

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/23/2006 12:06:53 AM

Anaheim, the home of Mighty Ducks!
very good shot, Dennis!
i really like the perspective; with the reflection, it look like a take-off ramp of some kind of interstellar base!
        Photo By: Dennis Hendricksen  (K:4817) Donor

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/22/2006 11:59:50 PM

molto suggestivo, questo panorama!
mi accodo a quanto detto in precedenza circa il traliccio...
da elemento di disturbo, a elemento di attenzione, anzi: soggetto!
gran bel lavoro, Antonio!
con un titolo, come al solito, che ti sprona ad indugiare oltre la foto che si sta guardando...
        Photo By: antonio nullus  (K:8540)

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/19/2006 3:33:38 AM

great landscape shot, Justina!
i love the details
and the barbed wire, with the horse for background add a strong feel of "blocking the freedom" of what the horse it's a standard-bearer
        Photo By: J Y  (K:265)

Critique By: davide lupo-pasini  (K:8079)  
3/19/2006 3:27:49 AM

wow! he look like OzzY!
very good portrait!
        Photo By: Keith Saint  (K:13784) Donor

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