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Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/9/2006 10:07:13 AM

This one is Fantastic dear Chad,
this is what I love! this feels like the sunshine and wind at the same time, the oblique Reeds looks like when somebody is playing with his child, the child may kick him, push him, pull him, but he is enjoying being kicked and to bend his waste to let the child play even more, I think this is what Reeds let the wind do with them, and the sunshine is the same as warmth of a child to the father, warm, clear, Bright and Fearless.
Really thanks for sharing this one to us,
My bests,
        Photo By: Chad Parish  (K:6440)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/9/2006 10:01:22 AM

Nice shot dear Chad,
I think you have tested many angles and at last decided to take this one,
this is a hard lighting I think, if I knew the shutter speed and Aperture size, I would suggest you numerically , but I think 2 or more steps slower setting would let the light to be more soft, now I think this is too bright, Greens intended to be more dark yellows here, plus I would suggest even lower Vertical angle to make the fall taller and the trees more in the shot.
Nice try here,
My bests as always,
        Photo By: Chad Parish  (K:6440)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/8/2006 9:00:51 PM

My dear Maxime,
I want to tell you that, I cant believe what you say! if you do so (not posting your valuable words) I think then you are helping them to ban your (and mine) Mind! this is what they want!
Removing the words (as a true past) is what I remember from 1984 (a book by George Orwell, I don't know if you read this book or not, but I hope you did), removing the past is a way to make the present! Don't let them to do this to us, I'm sure at least I need your valuable information about the spirit of art and at least you personal point of view.
I van not understand why we are getting this errors here! one of my forums removed by somebody who I think he is a photographer here, same as me!
so, I want to ask you to resume commenting and stay here, Please.
this is the only way I could keep my courage to go forth in my way in creative photography.
        Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/8/2006 8:03:53 PM

Thanks brother
        Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/8/2006 4:31:40 PM

Wonderful shot dear Jeanette,
it's a sky upside down! with lots of attendants! I meant those trees up there, I love the silence in this shot and the mono tone is a good choice to render your idea,
        Photo By: Jeanette Hägglund  (K:59855)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/8/2006 4:25:54 PM

How much I would love to work with a fish eye lens, it's a cool tool to make some of my dreams come true
Dear Doyle I'm really surprised, what a great shot you have here, with a sun in the background, the only thing I can imagine is using a flash light to achieve this exposure!
very well done to you,
My bests,
        Photo By: Doyle D. Chastain  (K:101119) Donor

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/8/2006 4:18:17 PM

Wonderful try dear Virgis,
it extremely resembles Saturn and its Rings!
I'm so happy to find other photographers Exploring new horizons too,
I thin you are a great wanderer in this field, Keep it up ear Virgis,
My bests,
        Photo By: Virgis Dromantas  (K:4212)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/8/2006 4:09:25 PM

Thanks Dear Virgis
        Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/8/2006 2:41:48 PM

Interesting shot My dear Shehzad,
i love the composition as it looks like a deep curve from right to left,
it's really lovely, and almost GREEN!
opposite to my recent Green Hell, it's a true Green Heaven!
My bests,
        Photo By: Ace Star  (K:21040)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/8/2006 2:05:30 PM

Nice work dear Hugo,
I may rather decided to have not the portrait all with the shot, or at least, mirror it horizontally so that the light on the face match the light from outside (as it feels from right to left), but these are my taste, and I want to say that both, the church (I'm not sure if this is a church or not) and the portraits are great each one, but, making them together is not in my taste (it's normal, I don't like to make complexes from shots, the most thing I did so, is making some color separations).
Anyway, Interesting shot, I do like it because It is a great example of an expressive Photo,
Well done,
My bests,
        Photo By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/8/2006 1:55:53 PM

Thanks dear Rashed,
They did the best to forget about those words,
We all needed to forget about those,
My bests,
        Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/8/2006 1:54:00 PM

Dear Hugo,
thanks for your support,
and thanks for visiting this shot and trying to get my point of view.
and about referencing to forums, before deleting those HOT critiques from this image by Admins, I had to refer them to somewhere more close to their mean,
Anyway, thanks for all.
        Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/8/2006 1:02:01 PM

Absolutely perfect shot,
I love the sky, and the silhouette part,
very wonderful dear Rina,
What a peace I feel looking at this shot, feel a nice evening with those I love, beside a lake.
My bests,
        Photo By: Caterina  Berimballi  (K:27299)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/8/2006 12:32:26 PM

Nice shot dear Alison,
I like this kind of flower,
My bests,
        Photo By: Alison DuFlon  (K:36566)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/8/2006 7:54:01 AM

Thanks Alison, I love the lights too.
        Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/8/2006 7:53:43 AM

Thanks Dear Alison, I love to work with Pigeons.
Thanks for your nice words.
        Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/7/2006 10:02:20 PM

Hahaha, you are an interesting man you know, take another look if possible, I attached the alternative to make you sure that pigeon was there (you tell me that it's not the Truth and I'm not the lier, can it be simultaneously?! Black and white are not the same).
But let me describe the situation, maybe that Will help you understand it.
There is a cage, there are lots of pigeons in there, I'm trying to take shot of Pigeons, the sun is near the horizon, cages fence makes shades, the light is not homogeneous, some lights come from backside on the front pigeon (and I think that's why you think I added that pigeon later), you are wrong (it's the most obvious fact here!).
Don't take it a long to understand please, I dd not add any pigeon to this shot, please!
        Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/7/2006 9:36:08 PM

I'm so sorry dear Rashed! you maybe better to take another look on this shot. that pigeon in the shot was there in first place, but as I know you can't trust anybody but yourself, I leave here an alternative focused on the background pigeon, you can see the right side one out of focus here, but I still like previously posted shot.
I'm still dislike Photoshop works, you have your style on your works and I do respect to, it's opposite other's dignity to be called lier but you do this too me as easy as possible for you, same as my nationality and other nationalities, that's why I'm so sorry for you.
        Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/7/2006 9:07:14 PM

Interesting shot Pablo!
I wanted to know the shutter speed of tis shot because it seems to have some jitter, but, I know the circumstances, they wont stop for you to higher the ISO from your camera settings and higher the shutter speed and all those stuffs!
So, just I can say, Nice try dear Pablo with bests Regards,
        Photo By: Pablo Dylan  (K:63918) Donor

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/7/2006 8:54:30 PM

Thanks dear Mohsen for you atention. there is no false or right final conclusion in any art-form as you told us above, I'm in agree with you.
Experiencing is my constant motivation in whole life, I know nothing special in photography unless my survey in photography.
OK, I will keep it up till the day others enjoy them too, not just myself!
Thanks again
        Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/7/2006 8:20:53 PM

Thanks, but, I think you better work on your skills, and leave PS alone!
Photography is much further than just clicking shutter!
to be honest I don't need your "Not Photographs" here, tell me your idea but leave my works unharmed, I'm not the best photographer of the world, not even best around.
        Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/7/2006 8:06:42 PM

I'm so sorry you have such eyes! I think sometimes you can be even better, but unfortunately you are doing wrong with yourself.
But I don't take it personal dear Teerak, feel free to express your ideas here on my works or maybe you want to call them crap to, as Rashed called them so! it's strange for me, I find so much similarities between you and him! similarities in your words and in your images exactly!, but as I mentioned from your portfolio, you are his model during her visit to Thailand, and you are the famous "From Pattaya" Lady.
Now you can't find no more excitement looking at your really disappointing comments on my work.
I don't know what is your meaning by telling Real Photograph? those simple portraits? or those PS works? anyway, it's better to make your capacity broader to swallow what you can't understand, it's my advice to you.
I'm sorry that you write these on my works too!
My bests,

        Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/7/2006 7:36:24 PM

Light can be a subject too, I'm happy you tell me this.
Thanks again,
        Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/7/2006 7:21:08 PM

Yeah I'm in agree dear Doyle, I wish I could repeat the shot, but as you can see, it's impossible now!
Many thanks for your suggestion,
        Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/7/2006 6:53:41 PM

Thanks dear shehzad for your nice words
        Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/7/2006 6:44:28 PM

Thanks dear Teerak for your encouragements,
        Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/7/2006 6:26:37 PM

Dear Teerak,
to be honest, I have to tell you everybody likes to be called perfect, but I don't like this shot so much you may think, I was really excited while shooting, but when I got home and I see the result, I think it's not the exact what I meant, but very close.
thanks for your attention,
My bests,
        Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/7/2006 6:22:36 PM

Thanks dear Chad,
I visit the link and I found you are right, these shot's are so similar.
My bests,
        Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/7/2006 6:21:54 PM

You are right dear Chad, this one is really close to my mind, it's really more interesting than focus on those boats back there, I think we all see boats, but looking from grasses point of view is more interesting, at least form.
        Photo By: Chad Parish  (K:6440)

Critique By: Mohammad Porooshani  (K:20765)  
9/7/2006 6:02:19 PM

Wow, it's even better than the other shot, I love it more, because she is expressing her excitements even with her body mimic and I love girls when they do like this,
Say her Happy first day at school,
My bests,
        Photo By: Chad Parish  (K:6440)

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