Critique By:
Timothy Kemp (K:208)
11/1/2004 2:48:48 PM
Very intimate picture. Lovely, subtle use of colour. Great to see a 'girl on the beach' image that isn't just all about skin and a bikini.
Photo By: Federigo El Moro
Critique By:
Timothy Kemp (K:208)
10/26/2004 9:08:29 PM
Came out great. Powerful composition and expression on the singer.
Love the reddish beam. Very evocative shot.
Photo By: Verena Rentrop
Critique By:
Timothy Kemp (K:208)
9/20/2004 5:48:37 PM
Love how the daughter bridges the first swath of water, while the mother is as tall as the band of foamy water. Makes the daughter look taller and plays with the perspective; it's a nice side effect of your strong composition.
Could maybe stand to lose just a shade off bottom? Just short of having the start of the band of sea touch the corner of the picture. That much dark sand looks quite heavy and detracts from the contrast between the mother's clothes and the light sea.
Photo By: Paul's Photos
Critique By:
Timothy Kemp (K:208)
9/20/2004 1:33:07 PM
Thanks for the feedback. I'll try calming it down a bit in the sky. I want to retain the hyper-grainy feel as I like the 'impressionist' aspect it gives the picture, but I can see that the detuned TV look might be a bit much.
I see what you mean about drowning out the ESB - the spire has a pair of pink lights you can barely see.
Photo By: Timothy Kemp
Critique By:
Timothy Kemp (K:208)
9/19/2004 8:37:57 PM
Thanks for the comments and the ratings, much appreciated.
Photo By: Timothy Kemp
Critique By:
Timothy Kemp (K:208)
9/14/2004 7:38:25 PM
Should follow my comment up as I just remembered that not everyone is a native English speaker:
I like the photo, but not the spider!
Photo By: Rosan Kador
Critique By:
Timothy Kemp (K:208)
9/14/2004 7:34:02 PM
Ugghhh... I had to comment on this because it's just so alien.
I like how you have included no scale cues in the image: the spider could be a foot wide or just an inch. Nice detail on the spines on its hideous legs.
Technically, the DOF is a bit shallow. It looks like the edge of the brickwork and wood is in perfect focus, but the more distant legs are out of focus. Also, if you ever face this monster again, you could try another picture where it's a bit clearer which end is the head.
I like your composition with the beast either devouring or protecting the 'egg'. All in, this is a good window into another world...
Photo By: Rosan Kador
Critique By:
Timothy Kemp (K:208)
9/14/2004 3:55:16 PM
Thanks Richard.
Right about those plane windows, but I'll take breathable air over a good photo any day.
I'm looking forward to taking some aerial pictures once I get further along in my flight training. A little C-172 is never going to reach 25,000' (especially not in a thunderstorm) but some of the things I've seen from 3,000' have been breathtaking. Really liked your vintage aircraft pictures.
Photo By: Timothy Kemp
Critique By:
Timothy Kemp (K:208)
9/14/2004 12:49:38 PM
Thanks for the comments. I was taking pictures for most of the flight and this was the only one that really worked out.
Found out that the trick with shooting from a plane window is to sit ahead of the engines. If you're behind the engines then you will see heat haze from the exhaust along the bottom half of the window. It looks like distortions in the glass, but it's not.
Photo By: Timothy Kemp
Critique By:
Timothy Kemp (K:208)
9/2/2004 3:30:22 PM
Really evocative image. Is this a composite picture? If not I'd love to hear how you got the exposure right on the setting sun and inside the car. Looks like you had lighting in the car, too. Can you share any secrets?
Ted's got a nice ride.
Photo By: Robert Staeck
Critique By:
Timothy Kemp (K:208)
9/1/2004 8:07:09 PM
Only comment I'd make is that the foreground seems a little dull and consequently out of balance with the vibrant sky. I wonder if shooting a half-hour earlier would have made the difference? I'm far from being knowledegable so this observation is really more of a question.
Maybe that's just my screen or a hangover from the JPEG compression, don't know. It remains a beautiful photograph though; to my eyes it's perfectly composed and enchanting to look at.
Photo By: Tony Smallman
Critique By:
Timothy Kemp (K:208)
9/1/2004 2:58:44 PM
Very dramatic. I love the texture in the clouds.
Photo By: DON H
Critique By:
Timothy Kemp (K:208)
9/1/2004 1:57:44 PM
Thanks for the comment Arne. The light was just stunning that evening.
Photo By: Timothy Kemp