Critique By:
Sarah Mildrum (K:84)
12/1/2014 3:42:47 PM
The composition in this photo works well, what it is lacking for me is contrast and vibrancy. It also appears a bit noisy in the background and with out knowing what ISO and aperture you used it is hard to offer advice there. I do love how you captured the light, enough to keep all the details but not enough to blow out the highlights.
Photo By: Salvador Marķa Lozada
Critique By:
Sarah Mildrum (K:84)
4/3/2014 5:25:11 PM
What a cute bunny! I love the DOF in this photo but would like to see a bit more contrast here.
Photo By: Maryanne Murillo
Critique By:
Sarah Mildrum (K:84)
3/18/2014 7:29:50 PM
Great macro, the bug is so ugly its kind of cute! Color saturation is great in this one.
Photo By: Ronen Helman