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Critiques From Ali Al Katib


Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
2/5/2009 11:05:06 PM

Dear Saad: Great beyond any words, this shot makes me ponder and think about many concepts; the reality of our existence, life and death, the hidden and the revealed knowledge, this curve of our life; a small portion of an eternal time, Who created it? Who is standing up and controlling it? There must be a wisdom behind all these signs and creations. I'm sure whoever looks at this shot thinks that those coming cars definitely are going somewhere (they are not going to hit the rocks and vanish), just as we are definitely going somewhere, otherwise there is no meaning for making such a journey.
        Photo By: Saad Salem  (K:89003) Donor

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
1/28/2009 12:37:09 AM

Great shot Ali!!I like it, beautiful tones and texture.
        Photo By: Ali  dewchi   (K:15992)

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
1/24/2009 12:21:55 AM

Everything you said about Dr. Kalander is true other than that he is wicked; I don't think he is Dear Saad, but one important thing you forgot to mention is how excellent he is in managing money!!!

        Photo By: Saad Salem  (K:89003) Donor

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
1/21/2009 9:49:17 PM

We call it Leefa! they call it Loofah! The scientific name is Luffa family/Cucurbitaceae. I came to know about the name when I grow them few years ago in my backyard and my neighbor start question me about them. Nice shot.
        Photo By: Saad Salem  (K:89003) Donor

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
1/15/2009 3:59:24 PM

أحسنت وأجدت
        Photo By: Ali  dewchi   (K:15992)

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
1/8/2009 9:54:13 PM

This is wonderful, I hope this is not the only shot you have for this lovely tree and arches. There is a potential for another great one!
        Photo By: Ali  dewchi   (K:15992)

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
1/7/2009 9:17:55 PM

Indeed it is and inspiring, Nice shot.
        Photo By: Ali  dewchi   (K:15992)

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
1/5/2009 3:13:02 AM

Indeed this picture has a significant philosophical and ideological third dimension, you are not only successful in capturing it, but you gave it a very distinguished title! To me the ( I ) is not the letter; rather it is the eye that is crying with dark tears.
        Photo By: Saad Salem  (K:89003) Donor

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
1/4/2009 6:03:46 PM

Dear Ali
I like your observation nice picture.
        Photo By: Ali  dewchi   (K:15992)

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
1/1/2009 3:24:11 AM

Dear Saad, it has been more than ten hours since I found out what happened to you and I don't know what to say, It is not only happening in Iraq but let our friends know about what is happening in Gaza strip in Palestine, Over 400 were killed in a few days.It is kind of you to say what you had to say, but kind words my dear friends are not working any more. We need to take actions against all kind of oppression and occupation, our sorrow and grief should take us a step further to think about what is happening in the world, Who is behind it? and why it is happening? Not unless oppressors and occupiers are removed, people will not have the chance to live in peace and tranquility and only then kind words will work and Teresa's' saying will echo loud.
        Photo By: Saad Salem  (K:89003) Donor

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
12/29/2008 4:29:36 PM

Thank you Yazeed and Happy new year to you too, Yesterday in the stats we celebrated the first day of the new year 1430 H.
Best wishes to all.
        Photo By: M  jalili  (K:69009) Donor

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
12/29/2008 5:22:32 AM

Saad, your work is amazing! May your talent and imagination take you to the highest point of artistic achievement, Until then, I'll keep checking your page here just to see what other incredible photo you've to come up with!
        Photo By: Saad Salem  (K:89003) Donor

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
12/29/2008 4:06:13 AM

Thank you Yazeed, I’ll consider this picture as a fine gift to me personally!! May be you wonder why? Saad is my best friend and brother, we started the hobby together when we were teenagers and since then he is still my best friend despite all the years and the long distance.
        Photo By: M  jalili  (K:69009) Donor

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
12/28/2008 7:24:33 AM

Congratulation Saad! Wonderful work I like it wouldn’t be better if you frame it and get rid of that pinkish sky? I can’t recall the exact location of this minaret, is it somewhere in Elfarooq Street? Best wishes.
        Photo By: Saad Salem  (K:89003) Donor

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
12/21/2008 1:03:42 AM

أخي الكريم علي لاشك أن الصورة جميلة جداً بالوانها المميزة وأشكالها الدالةََ 614; على أعياد الميلاد
        Photo By: Ali  dewchi   (K:15992)

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
12/16/2008 6:14:22 PM

ويحمد العيش فيها من يدانيها
        Photo By: Ali  dewchi   (K:15992)

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
12/16/2008 5:49:38 PM

Tell me about it dear Saad!! How can I forget my teachers? Indeed they are the masters of that era and by the way I still have your two portraits done by Murad.Best wishes.
        Photo By: Saad Salem  (K:89003) Donor

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
12/16/2008 4:45:45 PM

Great capture and excellent B/W Saad, It reminds me the masters Murad and Cofadees.Thank you.
        Photo By: Saad Salem  (K:89003) Donor

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
12/16/2008 2:56:44 PM

Fantastic, I love it. Iraqis always appreciate date palm, we had in Iraq more than hundred kinds of date palms, in the seventies Iraqi production of the date reaches 70% of the entire world production! Just imagine how much we are attached to it. I wish one day you’ll be able to take another shot after they freshly crop the leafs. It will taste sweet as date. Take care.
        Photo By: Saad Salem  (K:89003) Donor

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
12/16/2008 2:23:35 PM

سقى ربى الموصل الفيحاء من بلد جود من المزن يحكي جوداهليه 575;
أأندب العيش فيهاأم أنوح على أيامها أم أعزى في لياليها
أرض يحن اليها من يفارقها وحمد العيش فيها من يدانيها
        Photo By: Ali  dewchi   (K:15992)

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
12/12/2008 1:26:05 AM

افتهمنا بالموصل مااطيق اتشيل كاميره ! ليش ابسوريا امجلب بتلفون ؟ سلامي الى عمك عدي الديوجي
اخوكم علي الكاتب
        Photo By: Ali  dewchi   (K:15992)

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
12/11/2008 5:50:31 PM

نعم الان يا سعد مع فائق الاحترام
علي الكاتب
        Photo By: Saad Salem  (K:89003) Donor

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
12/10/2008 4:45:28 AM

Hot shot, hope you show the complete arch all the way down to the sides that is in my humble opinion move the focal point fully towards the subject. The title might surprise Ali Dewchi but let me tell you Ali it is very modern oven Saad is right! They call it in the States Tandoori some restaurants coke fine dishes in it,Tandoori bread become well known, some popular supermarkets like Meijer sell this kind of delicious bread, and fancy stainless steel one is avalable in the market now. The only difference is; we call it Tanoor the original Arabic word! they call it Tandoori. Happy Eid.
        Photo By: Saad Salem  (K:89003) Donor

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
12/6/2008 1:45:23 PM

Dear Saad if I visit am I going to get the Kibbe and the Doulma as well? I really miss your delicious food.
        Photo By: Saad Salem  (K:89003) Donor

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
12/6/2008 6:22:32 AM

Dear Ali, You and Saad are doing a great job! Sixteen years ago before I left Mosul I had in my mind a project of document every single alley and every single arch, every door and every window, I started it but unfortunately I couldn’t finish it for whatever reason. My dream now came true when you guys taking care of it. Thanks
        Photo By: Ali  dewchi   (K:15992)

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
12/6/2008 5:15:54 AM

Disturbing shot!! Could you please put some word along with it so everybody knows what is going on in Iraq. I salute you.
        Photo By: Ali  dewchi   (K:15992)

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
12/6/2008 4:47:30 AM

Nice and cool excellent work.
        Photo By: Ali  dewchi   (K:15992)

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
12/6/2008 4:38:48 AM

تسلم يابو اسلم

Very powerful shot if we knowe how to utilize it. Keep up the good work.
        Photo By: Saad Salem  (K:89003) Donor

Critique By: Ali Al Katib  (K:315)  
11/30/2008 9:35:21 PM

How do I begin to thank you for being such a wonderful friend? There are no words to express the gratitude I feel for having you and your family in my life. No matter how often we speak or see each other and no matter how far the distance is between us, the bond that we have is so strong nothing can deter it. I feel so lucky that somewhere along the way, I became your friend and you mine, I feel so fortunate to be blessed with someone so caring and compassionate in my life, and that has given me extra confidence in everything I do. A true friend like you who makes life so special, stays around forever, continues to be a source of comfort, and an inspiration to become all that I can be is something life offers to very few. Every time I see your art work I find outstanding talent and your insightful wisdom and I remain eternally grateful for the memories we have and thankful for the wonderful ones we continue to make. I absolutely adore sharing my ideas with you, and thank you again for taking such a genuine interest in me, and appreciating all the things I do. Forever treasuring the friendship you have shown me each and every day!
        Photo By: Saad Salem  (K:89003) Donor


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