Critique By:
DJ Cann (K:50)
9/28/2008 7:36:17 PM
Great depth of field Mary.
I made a big booboo. By accident, I did a search of my email prefix and usefilm.com came up. I clicked and saw a critque response from you to David. I thought you had responded to my match.com inquiry. LOL. What a mistake. It was another David. I thought I would tell you about it. Being in transition, I was only looking for friendship; email or other. Kind-of hard to believe coming from a guy. Some of us guys aren't what you think. Hope all is well.
Photo By: Mary Therese Marie's Photos
Critique By:
DJ Cann (K:50)
7/31/2008 11:46:01 AM
I'm partial to paradise and ocean pictures; they bring back happy memories. I followed you here from "match.com". I see that your subscription has ended, and you only accept winks. At match, I'm dj94558. Please check my profile. If your interested email me (David) at "dahon59@gmail.com"
Photo By: Mary Therese Marie's Photos