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Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
4/11/2006 4:02:46 PM

Hi Kasia

Thanks for your comment. About the lens I actually did a mistake.. I'm considering buying the canon 70-200 and was looking for pictures that were taken with this lens when I added my pictures to usefilm and having this name in my head it seems I got confused I actually used a Sigma 24-70mm F2.8 EX DG MACRO to do my pictures. I corrected it now. And yes I agree the canon 70-200 seem to be wonderful (can wait to buy it)!
        Photo By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
11/30/2005 7:20:16 PM

Wonderful picture Sebastian. The colors are amazing and this blue tone in your background gave a nice ambiance.


        Photo By: Sebastian Duda zolo2  (K:41)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
11/30/2005 7:15:36 PM

Hi Piero, thank you for your nice comment. Actually this is a close up of the detergent I'm using in my kitchen
I shook the bottle for a few seconds then I took the picture at the surface of the liquide, from the side of the bottle.

        Photo By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
11/30/2005 7:08:45 PM

Thanks for your comment. One of my friend told me the same thing the day I took this picture.. You both might be right, I'll check the result doing what you proposed

        Photo By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
11/30/2005 7:05:14 PM

Thanks for your comment Tamas.

        Photo By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
11/30/2005 7:03:01 PM

Hi again Kasia. About your question, a reverse adaptor is a ring that you fix at the front of you lens (like any other filter) and on the opposite side of the thread you get the same "mechanical" connexion as you have on the back of your lens. This means you get a lense with 2 mountings. You can connect it normally from the back to the camera or, reverse the lens and connect it from the front. Thus you get a cheap macro lens
You lose electric contacts so you cannot use the autofocus or stuff like that but if you have a tight budget and want to try some macro picture before spending lots of $ in a real good macro lens, you can use this adaptor... I got mine for about 20$.. Yes, it's really cheap so you have nothing to loose. Hope this helped you and that we'll see some macro pictures in your portfolio one day

        Photo By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
11/30/2005 6:49:05 PM

Thanks you for all your comments Kasia. By the way I had a look at your portfolio and I really like the portrait pictures you did in Tibet.. They all have amazing expressions. Just one general comment about the frames you are using for your pictures, I think that the blured or round corner are too distracting. I know it's really a personnal point of view but for me the simpler the better... for example, in the last 2 pictures you published, the frame is really simple and that's perfect
        Photo By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
11/24/2005 3:12:11 PM

Il y a pas des masses d'images dans ce portfolio Va falloir en rajouter quelques-unes non ??
Jolie photo. Je pense cependant que ce vaudrait la peine de voir ce que ca donne en faisant un crop et en coupant le haut et le bas de l'image pour obtenir juste un format panoramique de l'oiseau et sa trace dans l'eau...
        Photo By: Frederic Rossetti  (K:3)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
11/21/2005 4:33:39 AM

Hello Maris,

Did you receive my email ? I wanted to answer your question but it didn't work with this reply... Maybe my message was too long.. anyway I sent it to you by email so I hope you received it
        Photo By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
11/17/2005 5:37:19 PM

Hello Maris. Thanks again for your comment ! Actually, the word "Studio" that I used in my website it's more a way to "classify" the kind of picture by thema rather than to descibe to room where I'm doing those pictures... Basically I'm taking the picture in my apart and the lights are almost exclusively from the flash I own. So for the smoke picture I have a Speedlight 430 that I use with infra red so it can flash from the side and for the bubble, the light comes from the Macro Twin Lite MT-24EX (really good but unfortunatelly very expensive ).
I added some more studio work and also added two pages explainng how I did the pictures so you might want to have a look a them and try to do the same at home. I'am really an amateur so you should be able to take the same picture Here is the url for the explanations: for the smoke and for the macro. It's in french but you can use google and its language tools to translate the page in an approximate english (as in french you need accent and since I live in Japan and I don't have accent on my keyboard, I added each letter with an accent one by one copying and pasting so the automatic translation should work I did this for you so you can read them and only for those two pages so probably the translation won't work for the rest of my site, which usually don't have accent)
        Photo By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
11/15/2005 5:40:36 PM

Hello Maris. Thanks again for your comment ! Actually, the word "Studio" that I used in my website it's more a way to "classify" the kind of picture by thema rather than to descibe to room where I'm doing those pictures... Basically I'm taking the picture in my apart and the lights are almost exclusively from the flash I own. So for the smoke picture I have a Speedlight 430 that I use with infra red so it can flash from the side and for the bubble, the light comes from the Macro Twin Lite MT-24EX (really good but unfortunatelly very expensive ).
I added some more studio work and also added two pages explainng how I did the pictures so you might want to have a look a them and try to do the same at home. I'am really an amateur so you should be able to take the same picture Here is the url for the explanations: for the smoke and for the macro. It's in french but you can use google and its language tools to translate the page in an approximate english (as in french you need accent and since I live in Japan and I don't have accent on my keyboard, I added each letter with an accent one by one copying and pasting so the automatic translation should work I did this for you so you can read them and only for those two pages so probably the translation won't work for the rest of my site, which usually don't have accent)
        Photo By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
11/3/2005 6:02:43 PM

Gracie mille !! for your comments on my pictures
        Photo By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
10/30/2005 6:04:13 AM

Excellent work! and very original.
I like all the series...
Keep going!

        Photo By: L.V. B  (K:301)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
10/30/2005 5:45:37 AM


It reminds me of my cat, Jerry, that I haven't seen for years I live in Japan now and he is still in Europe at my parents'house. Sniffff

        Photo By: Tamara N  (K:2617)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
10/29/2005 8:51:21 PM

Nice picture, I like this composition. To me the color is not a problem, I think the blue tone goes well with the church. In my point of view, the electric cables in the front of the church and the dust that appear on the right side in the sky are more distracting than the blue tone. You might try to remove them with a software (or return to the church, cut the cables, take your picture one more time and run away before the police start chasing you LOL). Good work anyway.

        Photo By: Patrick Elsass  (K:552)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
10/29/2005 8:28:47 PM

Great shot with beautiful colors. Was it during the sunset or the sunrise ? I like the way you used most of the space for the soft sky in opposition with the high contrast sand. Nice work!
        Photo By: Khalid Shahin  (K:1091)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
10/29/2005 8:26:07 PM

Thank you for your comment Khalid. I agree, I'm gonna use it as a background for my computer What did you mean by a "movie" background ?
        Photo By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
10/29/2005 8:18:31 PM

This leaf looks like a monster with two mean eyes looking at us Nice composition. Thank you also for your comment !
        Photo By: Fabio Keiner  (K:81109)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
10/29/2005 8:12:30 PM

Great picture Sara. I love the colors due to the strong light and contrast! Good work.
Thanks also for your comment.

        Photo By: sara sue  (K:2117)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
10/29/2005 8:08:18 PM

Amazing shot ! Some time ago I saw kind of the same picture as yours but in that case the DOF was really small and the background (full bokeh) was completly red due to the petal (I was looking for the URL but I forgot where I saw it, sorry..). I was really impressed, but your picture with a wide DOF and the bright colors of the petals is completely different and just as good. Good work
        Photo By: Ernie Basciano  (K:1940)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
10/29/2005 8:01:51 PM

Hello Ernie. Thank you for the comment ! Did you already try to do this kind of pictures ? I'm also fascinated by water drop (splash) but that's more difficult so one step at the time
        Photo By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
10/29/2005 7:28:39 PM

Thanks for your comment Rachel. And yes I had an incredible time tonight doing LOTS and LOTS of smoke pictures I'm gonna upload some more pictures in a few minutes... I like them all so you might like them also if you liked this one that much... Have a look in a few moment.
By the way, I had a look at your work, you have a really nice portfolio. I especially love the last "Zachary" picture. The lightning is amazing and the flare effect just adds the perfect touch to the composition. Congratulations.
        Photo By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
10/24/2005 1:57:41 AM

Thanks for your comments Rashed ! I was lucky that the pinguin was really close from me so I was able to take this close up quite easily
        Photo By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
10/22/2005 6:15:49 AM

Thanks for your comments on my pictures Maris ! I had a look at your work and I like it. I never did portrait before but I'm feeling more and more the need to try some shoot with people in it. So your pictures are inspiring me for my futur work! I also like your "new style" with the 4 last pictures your presented. The stained and scratched pictures with this yellow atmosphere give a really nice feeling to this portrait. Beautiful work (and subject ) Congratulations !

        Photo By: Maris Ojasuu  (K:343)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
10/18/2005 7:32:01 PM

Hello Micheal.
Just one word... Woowwwwwwwwww !! I first thought it was a picture of a fantastic movie scene... Just amazing!! It?s probably my first breathtaking picture. The colors are so impressive... I know you need the good guy at the good place at the good time to take such a picture but even if the lightning was perfect in real, the velvia film is helping a lot for the color contrast I suppose (correct me if I'm wrong because I don't know much about film... I'm a numeric user at 200% ) So I was wondering: how do you decide to use a velvia film or a more standard one? My impression is that if you had taken the same picture with a standard film, it would still have been a great picture but this "something magic" would have been missing. On the opposite if you use a velvia film, do you get such good results (talking about the colors only) in most of the case, i.e. with non spectacular lightning, or do you need to have special conditions to get this amazing rendering of colors?
Anyway, when I see your results (for ex. your ?happy new year? from Monument Valley) and the works of others using velvia film, I?m always really impressed by the ?natural? development of the picture. I?m not going to sell all my cameras to changed toward film but gosh it would be great to have a software filter that would create the velvia film effect

One more time, congratulations for this picture (and all the others by the way) and, since I can?t, use LOTS of velvia film for me

Cheers, Chris
        Photo By: Michael Busselle  (K:221)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
5/8/2005 2:59:11 AM

Good guess. I realized after I posted this image that my title was too suggestive Actually it's a X-Women !
        Photo By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
5/7/2005 3:15:38 PM

Hi Mustafa

I love your Illusion serie of pictures. Very original and well done. Congratulations

        Photo By: mustafa ilker helvacioglu  (K:3825)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
5/7/2005 3:12:27 PM

Hi Steve,
Thanks for your comment. Yes I took this picture in an aquarium. I took several pictures because this animal is fascinating. I love the way they "light up" when there are lights on the top of the aquarium. Unfortunately, the glass of the aquarium being dirty (you can imagine all the kids touching it ), not all the pictures are that good but it's worth spending time on it. Sometimes the results are quite good. No finger prints nor light reflexion on the glass.
        Photo By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
12/9/2004 3:09:29 PM

Excellent shot Roberto. I like the way you aimed at this flower. Since the leaves and petals are perfectly symetric it almost seems it's not natural The bright colors and the contrast between the yellow and green are great. It remind my the Brazilien Flag's colors
Thanks also for all the comments about my pictures

        Photo By: Roberto Okamura  (K:22851)

Critique By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)  
11/27/2004 3:36:42 AM

Wowwww.. sorry for all those messages.. I had problem to reply to you. The message couldn't get recorded... I tryed many time to send you a message through my page clicking the "reply to" but didn't work.. so I try to make a comment to one of your picture and add the reply to your question.. didn't work either.. So I contacted Usefilm to tell them I had a problem contacting you (no problem with other users) and now it seems they corrected the error but.. ALL the messages I tryed to send you appeared sorry that you received them all just one was enough
        Photo By: Christophe Vuichard  (K:218)

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