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Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
10/20/2006 5:55:25 PM

Just hilarious...and I'm afraid to ask, just what the heck is he looking at?? Great capture of an expression.
        Photo By: Martin Paul  (K:140)

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
10/12/2006 1:07:58 AM

Okay, fixed my flag, should show me as a proper Canuck now. ;-) I'm south of you, near Kingston.
        Photo By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
10/12/2006 12:19:29 AM

Ah, I see you captured one of the cattle egrets that the birders have been going nuts over! I love the composition, with the white against the dark.
        Photo By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
10/10/2006 4:29:41 PM


I had posted a pic in memory of Rashed, it was on for a few days, and it was also on the usefilm blog, so many people learned the news that way. Since we didn't want to dwell on it, these have since been removed. I didn't want to blare it out in some announcement, in respect for the family, as I'm not sure of what they would feel would be appropriate. Since Rashed's brother Ali is taking over his site and has been going through his computer and online websites, I feel it's his place to make any such announcement. I'm sure that many people here still haven't heard the news, I'm hoping that his network of friends have passed the message along.
        Photo By: Michele Carlsen  (K:146013)

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
10/10/2006 3:11:12 PM

Michele, I am very sad to say that Rashed's brother, Ali, had contacted me to tell me that Rashed had passed away. He'd had an ongoing heart condition for many years. I'm sorry that you have to find out this way, he was a very active participant on this site and made many friends, we are all very saddened by his departure.
        Photo By: Michele Carlsen  (K:146013)

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
10/10/2006 1:12:54 PM

BTW Michele, lovely image! Overcast lighting is my favourite for foliage, especially colourful flowers, it brings the colour out nicely without the contrast. Tell you Mom I admire the work she's put into her garden. I like the angle at which this is taken. So many possibilities here, have you done closeups of individual flowers?
        Photo By: Michele Carlsen  (K:146013)

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
10/10/2006 1:08:55 PM

"Ah Rashed good Friend.

This is wonderful image and with very great composition and DOF, very great harpness and so colorful, wishing you all of the best sweet heart. "

Ali, if you are using Rashed's profile to post comments, please set up a new one with your name. There were many of us saddened to hear of his passing, and would like to put his memory to rest peacefully, and were very startled by seeing a post under his name. Best regards my friend, Chelsea
        Photo By: Michele Carlsen  (K:146013)

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
9/17/2006 6:05:19 PM

Lovely serene image. I like the muted colours, the composition...well done. Worthy of photo of the day. Congrats!
        Photo By: Phillip  Minnis   (K:13131) Donor

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
8/25/2006 7:47:59 PM

Thankyou Tony. Yes, it was a difficult location to shoot, the sun came around at an angle that wasn't lighting up the nest area, and the branches and twigs around it made it impossible to get a clear view from the other side. The mother comes in about once every 20 minutes or so to feed, then it's *blurp* in about 5 seconds, and she's gone again. I'm happy to have at least done this well with it. Oh well...maybe next year...
        Photo By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
8/13/2006 1:41:58 PM

Very nice capture, tells a story. You don't know if she's contemplative, sad, or just interested in something she's looking at . My only nit is the somewhat bright upper right corner, but the overall exposure suits the subject well.
        Photo By: Ludek Kvicala  (K:408)

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
7/23/2006 4:55:11 PM

They're quite the little acrobats, can climb, swim, and slink their way into the tiniest of spaces. The birds first got my attention, rufous towhees, robins and vireos were all squawking and mobbing it, which is what made me wander over to the are in the first place to see what they were upset about.
        Photo By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
7/8/2006 9:19:22 PM

A very nice candid portrait, I like that it's sharp focus, nicely saturated colours, and the expressions are very relaxed, looks very natural. Well done.
        Photo By: ENDER ÖZCAN  (K:2431)

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
7/2/2006 1:19:17 PM

Nice composition and a wonderful dramatic effect with the lighting.
        Photo By: foob Niemand  (K:267)

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
6/25/2006 2:10:39 PM

Mehdi, I definitely used a tripod. I'm finding it more and more difficult to get sharply focused shots handheld.
        Photo By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
6/14/2006 5:35:03 PM

Spoiled doesn't begin to describe it! LOL! This beastie hogs the lion's share of the bed. And those paws can kick while he's dreaming in the middle of the night. It's summer and he's chasing his favourite rubber ring-toss toy, I'll have to try to get a shot of him with that.
        Photo By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
6/14/2006 5:29:58 PM

Thankyou everyone for your comments. Fortunately in this end of Ontario there are no poisonous snakes. I like snakes. They eat mice. Snakes do not come into my home, they don't try to steal my foot, they don't leave their stinking little droppings all over the place, they don't endanger my life by spreading disease and chewing on electric wires, they don't destroy my belongings by chewing them all to shreds...they go about their lives hunting mice. And occasionally, they do a good pose for my camera! ;-)
        Photo By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
6/13/2006 5:33:07 PM

Early mornings, Dave, when it's cold, the insects aren't moving yet. I live out in the country, some of the things I'm finding are along the laneway, I spot them when I take the dog for a walk. Also, prowling along the edges of ponds and lakes in the morning turns up a few insects holding still. Also, even on a warm day, if you spot a dragonfly sitting somewhere, slowly set up and wait them out. They'll take off but quite often settle back down on their perch or somewhere right close by.
        Photo By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
6/13/2006 1:34:26 PM

I love this one. The colours and the graphics work well together. The selected focus helps narrow your view and sort out the tangle of tines. The nice clean background also helps.
        Photo By: Dave Arnold  (K:55680)

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
6/12/2006 3:37:05 AM

Yes, James, I tried. But I have a "frozen shoulder" that just physically doesn't allow me to get as close to the ground as I would like, and I couldn't find my wee tabletop tripod that would have held the camera. Normally in a case like this I would just lay down on the ground and shoot, but I can't lay face down these days and use the camera. I did prop the camera on the bag and tried a few shots, but my arm was shaking, those shots are blurred. Argh! The spider itself was just a little guy, less than a half inch across, so I would have needed to get very close. It was just killing me because it was so cooperative. The lighting was poor, overcast cloudy day, just grayed out the colours. It's cold tonight, if I'm awake early enough tomorrow morning and if the sun is out and it warms up like they're promising, I'll drag myself back up in the woods and see if it's still there, try to shoot it before the sun evaporates the water droplets.
        Photo By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
6/12/2006 3:14:50 AM

Nice macro, lovely colours.
        Photo By: Daniel Hernández  (K:105)

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
6/2/2006 10:47:40 PM

Lovely soft mood created in this one, love the natural sepia tone effect. I'm wanting to crop the top, just to get rid of that ragged line of trees.
        Photo By: Bob Jarman  (K:3145)

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
5/22/2006 4:12:50 PM

Wonderful portrait of a majestic bird. Our national bird here in Canada is the common loon, beautiful bird. We have a handful of bald eagles in our area, rarely do I see one flying over, but there are ospreys on the lake, a similar though more slender bird.
        Photo By: Mike Gray  (K:550)

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
5/21/2006 2:54:24 AM

"Between gusts of wind"...bravo for your patience, the wind drives me NUTS in these situations. Wonderful sharp focus and clear background, the pose makes it look like it's suspended. Well done.
        Photo By: David Chauvin  (K:200)

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
5/21/2006 12:16:47 AM

She's adorable. The white hair is blown out in this picture, but it kinda works for a neat effect. I'm just wishing all of the left ear had been included. Hairless in Edmonton...I hope you have lots of winter outfits for her. I'd be tempted to bundle her up in all kinds of cute jackets.
        Photo By: Nicole Stasiuk  (K:255)

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
5/18/2006 1:05:34 AM

Nice sharp focus, good depth of field, lovely diagonal composition, nice saturation in the colours, good clean background, nice catch on the wet foliage and an angle that adds interest. Scouring this with a magnifying glass the only thing I can find to nitpick is that the far left top wing is a tad out of focus...but that's really nitpicking. Wonderful shot, well done.
        Photo By: David Chauvin  (K:200)

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
5/16/2006 3:18:35 PM

I'm wishing it were a bit sharper so I could see more detail, that is one fascinating bizarre moth. Makes a neat picture though, I like the pattern.
        Photo By: ERNIE BUCHANAN  (K:17945)

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
5/13/2006 3:30:42 AM

That is just scary. Great lighting, creates a really dramatic effect. I think I'll go look at some snakes and spiders now to try to get this image out of my mind.
        Photo By: Edward Molnar  (K:2903)

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
5/1/2006 12:52:54 PM

Thanks guys for the comments. Yes, I wish that the branch weren't touching the frame, I would have liked a wee bit of space there. The terrain is very rough, and there was a hundred foot drop off a cliff just to the left of me, so I was more concerned with my footing than with little details on a tree. There were boulders and bushes to the right, so couldn't move that direction either, just had to slip through where I could to get the shots. I was mainly trying to get some nice "record shots" for our field naturalist group of our sanctuary. This was one of those blue sky clear days where you could just go snap happy out there.
        Photo By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
5/1/2006 12:29:16 AM

Nice catch. I've seen this a hundred times out my kitchen window, but can never get the camera in time to photograph it. And then it's usually about this time that the grackle who's been watching the robin diligently pull out the worm swoops down, knocks the robin aside, and takes off with the meal.
        Photo By: Gene Zonis  (K:6937) Donor

Critique By: Chelsea Burke  (K:5750) Donor  
4/29/2006 2:10:32 AM

Nice. Makes me want to hop in the truck and take a drive out there.
        Photo By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)

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