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Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
11/29/2011 5:16:27 PM

Thank you Salvador for your time and coments. Darryl
        Photo By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
11/28/2011 1:55:32 AM

Very dramatic photo with great color. Darryl
        Photo By: Salvador Marķa Lozada  (K:69375) Donor

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
11/22/2011 5:05:04 PM

Thanks John for your time to view and for your historical input. You have some outstanding work of P-51s on your pages. Darryl
        Photo By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
11/21/2011 7:30:53 AM

Beatuiful color and impressive sunset. The line across the bottom is very distracting as is the photo credit. Darryl
        Photo By: Prasun Biswas  (K:4150)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
11/16/2011 12:31:22 AM

Thanks for you time and coments Dave. I spent a little time looking at some of your work and really enjoyed a posting you did last February of a Waxwing bird. Great work. Darryl
        Photo By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
11/15/2011 4:46:02 AM

Excelent presentation with good use of DOF, sharp focus, and brilliant colors. Darryl
        Photo By: Marcelo Grinberg  (K:126)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
11/15/2011 4:34:00 AM

Thanks Nanda for your feedback. Flowers are one of my favorit photo choice. Darryl
        Photo By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
11/15/2011 4:31:58 AM

Thanks Linda for you input. I don't do well with heights so I was very cautious both with where I was standing and securing my camera before I held it over the edge. I would never make a sky diver! Darryl
        Photo By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
11/15/2011 4:27:21 AM

Thank you Gregory for taking the time to view and give your feed back. I have enjoyed your work here at UF. Your capture of birds in flight is really great. Darryl
        Photo By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
11/15/2011 4:22:34 AM

Thank you Vehbi for your kind words. I very much appreciate the valuable input I receive by other photographers. Darryl
        Photo By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
11/15/2011 4:18:47 AM

Thank you Brigitte for taking the time to coment. There is another photographer in the Eureka area that does a lot of photo work using a scanner only. I'll keep working at it an hopefully will be able to improve. Thanks again. Darryl
        Photo By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
11/2/2011 7:33:51 PM

This is what happens when you put your makeup on after you've been drinking for a while. The teeth look nice though. Darryl
        Photo By: Bojan Mustur  (K:1956)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
10/27/2011 2:35:14 AM

I love your use of shadow and deminished light. Darryl
        Photo By: Carmen Fuchs  (K:6967)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
10/27/2011 2:27:30 AM

I love your use of shadow and deminished light. Darryl
        Photo By: Carmen Fuchs  (K:6967)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
10/27/2011 2:23:10 AM

Wonderful colors and lighting. Is this as exposed or is ther some PS work done? Darryl
        Photo By: Gregory McLemore  (K:35129) Donor

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
10/25/2011 4:33:59 PM

Thanks for taking your time to coment. I wouldn't go anywhere near this rock either. It is about 40 feet from where I'm standing and is in a closed off area. Even if we could walk out to it, I'd still stay where I was when I took the photo. I'd never make a sky diver! Darryl
        Photo By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
10/22/2011 6:51:09 AM

I really enjoy the work you have done here. The use of soft focus/DOF and colors work perfectly. Shooting a white flower is one of the most difficult photos for me. This is supurb! Darryl
        Photo By: Victoria Henderson  (K:701) Donor

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
10/8/2011 3:41:28 AM

Thank you for your coments Linda. Yes, these are Fuchsia flowers. I couldn't remember their name when I posted the picture. I loved the colors and tried to reproduce them as accurately as possible. Again, thank you for your input. Darryl
        Photo By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
10/8/2011 3:38:41 AM

Thanks for your feedback Jan. These were some very beautiful flowers. I'm just learning a new camera so hopefully future shots will be even better quality. Darryl
        Photo By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
10/6/2011 3:26:49 AM

Great colors, DOF, and presentation. I really enjoy other work you have posted too. Darryl
        Photo By: Greg Sava  (K:11999)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
9/13/2011 5:55:52 AM

This photo is fantastic. I could look at it for hours and be so relaxed. The colors are rich, presentation perfect, and the extended exposure make the water fantastic. Congrats Darryl
        Photo By: Howie Mudge  (K:27933)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
9/13/2011 5:48:52 AM

What a beautiful woman. You captured a very special moment with this photo. The way she is looking into the camera makes one feel as if she is standing in front of you and waiting for you to say something. You didn't capture a picture, you captured a moment. The cropping, DOF, and the use of B&W really make this special. Darryl
        Photo By: herwig b  (K:558)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
9/12/2011 6:13:36 AM

Great color, sharpness of focus, and DOF. This is a wonderful capture of a beautiful flower. Darryl
        Photo By: Marc Fontannaz  (K:2887)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
9/12/2011 6:07:48 AM

Nice presentation of a beautiful structure. The colors are very intriguing. Wonderful photo. Darryl
        Photo By: ABDULRAHMAN ALSABAAN  (K:510)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
9/11/2011 5:10:30 PM

What a beautiful sunset silhouette photo. Great color, great presentation. Darryl
        Photo By: Alma von Planta  (K:463)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
9/10/2011 5:18:13 AM

Well captured Sepehr,
Your staging and presentation make the toy car look real. Your perspective presentation is excellent. Darryl
        Photo By: sepehr moghbeli  (K:145)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
9/10/2011 5:09:25 AM

Well captured Christian. It seems a little dangerous for those people to be standing so close. Not only is there a danger of hot water but also the danger of the ground being fragile and collapsing under their weight. Thanks for the enjoyment of seeing this sight. Darryl
        Photo By: Chris CC  (K:1510) Donor

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
9/1/2011 6:44:10 PM

Your tried best turned out great. Nice clarity and sharp focus. Darryl
        Photo By: Valerij Reznikov  (K:3367)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
8/30/2011 2:33:57 AM

Thanks for the feed back Sunset Man. This was taken late in the day and the marine layer fog was down to tree level. The location is only about 1/4 mile from the ocean. It was difficult to get much color on the photo until I used a little Photoshop. Thanks for showing me the "antiqued" copy. It is a very interesting alternative. Darryl
        Photo By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)

Critique By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)  
8/24/2011 4:55:38 PM

Thanks for your suggestion Clayton. I thought about doing that but I still haven't figured out this camera well enough to get it to do what I want. I'll give your suggestion a try now so that when I need that option I'll know how to get the camera to shoot shutter priority photos. Darryl
        Photo By: Darryl  Barclay  (K:6818)

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