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Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/13/2003 11:56:18 AM


I have enjoyed this series of the wedding, you have done a fantastic job. Although I think we all knew what was not worn under a kilt, I rather not see lol! Good Job with the series, (9)

Later my friend,

        Photo By: kita mcintosh  (K:18594)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/13/2003 11:41:10 AM

Male or female?
        Photo By: R Pires  (K:445)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/13/2003 10:31:06 AM


Have you ever wondered who those people are that would pick your shot as a favorite? Well acturally I have picked two of yours. This one and the Shrouded in the mist. I love them both. Great Job on both. Keep it up

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Kim Culbert  (K:37070)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/13/2003 10:08:11 AM


I saw this shot in the random views, it had 185 views and 1 comment. after I brought it up, I realized why. It's so small! Hell its not much bigger than the thumbnail. (I'm talking about the photo!)

Later my friend,

        Photo By: William R Eastman III  (K:2141)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/12/2003 8:33:13 PM


Before I critique your photo, I will first have to tell you why I stopped to look at it. My son did a sculpture in college that looked very similar to this, only the truck was on blocks. He goes to college in a small Iowa town, and named the sculpture "Iowa Yard Art." Now to your shot, you have a lot of potential here with this scene, I would try from different angles, different focus points, and mainly try to do this when the sun is not so harsh. You loose a lot of detail and contrast with trying to balance out the tones. But keep it up and keep 'em coming!
Later my friend,

        Photo By: Timothy Sherburne  (K:599)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/12/2003 6:19:09 AM


Ahhh yes, on a clear day, you can see forever! very good title for this shot! very good colors, thesand and the sky are great. the composition, so simple, but works very well. I really like the flow of this one. (10)
Later my friend,

        Photo By: Joffre Swait  (K:626)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/11/2003 6:47:20 AM


Just a tiny simpe daisy photgraphed by a very humble person, very good job my man! (10)

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Uncle Frank  (K:1642)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/10/2003 8:26:55 PM


Nice DOF, colors and reflections. Now whow the heck is "Chihuly"?
Later my friend,

        Photo By: Molly Walters  (K:1284)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/10/2003 8:18:58 PM


I am so glad to see you put this as your best photograph. I can understand why. After all this is my third comment on it!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Kim Culbert  (K:37070)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/10/2003 8:04:21 PM


I'm trying to decide on this one. my eye keeps jumping from the light of the bowl to the light mistiness if the tree in the background. I do not know if that is what you were trying to achieve here, but it does not flow as well as some of your past work. The detail of the pine needles is tack sharp. cant argue that. But still love your work!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Joffre Swait  (K:626)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/10/2003 7:50:53 PM


cool effect with the toning, although I would love to see it in the original b&w. Looks like it has some nice contrasts and tones. (8)

Later My friend,

        Photo By: Joffre Swait  (K:626)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/10/2003 7:40:40 PM


Don't ya just hate it when they put conditions on ya like that? Good capture on the wheel stand and getting a fast enough shutter speed to freeze the back tires. Let's see more!(8)
Later my friend,

        Photo By: Arthur Pickens  (K:16)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/9/2003 5:19:16 PM


LOL, your right about the car show with my wife! "Chick Flick" a movie for women, example: "how to loose a guy in 10 days," guys dont do it! It's not worth the trade off!

Tita great shot! great rerflections! great colors!(9)
Later my friend,

        Photo By: Titia Geertman  (K:5582)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/9/2003 4:00:06 PM


When it come to photgraphing something with color, I have two passions; cars and flowers. Strange combonation I know, but I think it has to do with the contrasting strengths and the infinite spectrum of colors we see in each. You have acheive a wonderful job here. The lighting on the poolen on the bottem of the stamens are great. You have showed how delicate the flower is, yet how powerful the color can be. (9)

Later my Friend,

        Photo By: Karen Johnson  (K:2951)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/7/2003 7:44:11 AM


If you could post your tech data it might help in figuring out where to help you. This shot seems to have a lot of grain. I'm not sure if its from the film or if you have enlarged it so with the scanner. Your highlights or the right seem a little hard. So maybe a filter such as a yellow or orange could help here on the b&W film. I like the subject matter here, just work on the lighting a little more, and unless you are going after the effect of a grainy shot, most like a finer grain film.(6)

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Dawn Chadwick  (K:347)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/7/2003 6:44:19 AM

Hey Beer Man, Over Here!!!


I like the capture of him coming around the corner, although he doesn't look to pleased to have his pix taken. Good mixture of colors without being too distracting. Leads straight to the subject. (8)

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Enrico Pasini  (K:85)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/7/2003 6:24:53 AM


I really like looking at the shots in this project because it gives me a chance to go back into the portfolios of the photogragher and see their other work and try to get an Idea of why they choose the shot they did for the best photo they ever took. As I looked back through your folio, I found you have taken some pretty good shots. Some of your flower shots are great in my opinion. The city scape shot at night is another great shot. Although I wondered why you choose this one? Is it because of the composition, being there at the right time? If so, I do understand your choice. I enjoy your work, keep'em coming!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Maarten Venter  (K:885)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/6/2003 8:12:56 PM


I like what you have done here. It reminds me of a little mixture of monet with a splash of salvador dali. cool effect!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/6/2003 8:06:43 PM


Copyright 1951? I dont think so! i think i see a late model suburban (or suv of some sort) on the far right! But the shot brought back some great old meories of going up to the Independence Square and seeing ol' Harry Truman on his walk and going to the dime store and getting a soda at the fountain! Thanks for the trip man, I needed it!
Later my friend,

        Photo By: Brendon Cordero  (K:3524)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/6/2003 9:27:25 AM


16 exposures? Cool. musty be one helluva set up. Nice shot! (8)

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Taras R. Hnatyshyn  (K:4055)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/6/2003 7:48:26 AM


When I see your name come up, I automatically think of pix from Desert Storm. When I saw this shot, it was hard to think of you taking it. it does not seem like your style. Hey I'm not knocking it, I was just suprised. When I first saw the shot, I thought this was something to be used in an "Inspirational Advertisment" with the heavens, clouds, and the sun coming through. Anyway, nice shot. (8)

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Brendon Cordero  (K:3524)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/6/2003 7:39:06 AM


I wish I had your talent when I was your age. I would not be breaking my back firefight as an old man today if that was so. I have enjoyed several of your shots. I do agree this is one of your best. The title says it all. Very good job. (9)
        Photo By: John Myers  (K:4308)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/6/2003 7:23:15 AM


I wish I had taken this shot and you had a feather up your rear, then we would both be tickled. I love the shot. I wish you would have provide some info on it though. Did you use any filters, what format. The framing of the trees is a classic view in my opinion. It will never age if attempted correctly, and I believe you have acheived this here. Good Job Buddy! (9)

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Eric Goldwasser  (K:4294) Donor

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/5/2003 8:14:42 AM

I forgot, 6 from me

        Photo By: Dawn Chadwick  (K:347)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/5/2003 8:13:51 AM


This might have been a little more dramatic if you could have waited the tiger out until she was in the shade. I agree this isn't an E.C. but come on who rated it a 1?
Later my friend,

        Photo By: Dawn Chadwick  (K:347)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/4/2003 6:09:52 AM


I know I am going to tick some off by saying this but I hate cats. However, this has to be the best shot of a cat I have ever seen! The colors of the fur and nose are great. very good detail. Grreat choice in cropping!
It takes quite a bit for me to even stop and look at a cat picture, and you got me to comment on it too! (9) would have been a 10 but it's a cat
Later my friend,

        Photo By: Mario Iannantuono  (K:47)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/4/2003 6:01:04 AM


Thanks for comment on my shot. And yes I do like the ilford film, especially for sharp contrast such as the shots i took at the Lincoln Memorial. I would like to comment on your shot here, however what can I say that everyone (especially Marc) didnt say Good job on this. Next time have grandma make some warm pudding before bedtime. Might help you sleep. (8)

Later my friend,

        Photo By: John Myers  (K:4308)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/3/2003 9:12:23 AM


Hey man don't give up! Come in a little closer to the blooms. The oak tree in the back ground and the wrought iron fence distract from your blossoms. Try some different angles with just the fence and blossoms and see what happens.
Keep 'em coming!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Scott Labrusciano  (K:16)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/3/2003 9:01:05 AM


Hilarious idea! Thinking outside the box! Bravo! Oh and I like it!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Steffen Uhlmann  (K:760)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/3/2003 8:47:21 AM


ould you please provide info about this shot? It appears you used filters or PS to enhance the colors. just wondering.
Later my friend,

        Photo By: Steve Pierce  (K:50)

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