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Critiques From Russell Love

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Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
5/4/2004 8:51:04 PM


One of the things which Monet, Renoir, and Matise did was to throw away their black paint, they did not like the way it dulled the colors. Maybe they should have seen your black and white work. Very good shot. Very good composition. The tonal range is wonderful with the black blacks and hint of brilliant whites. the softness of the water surrounding the stones just "sets" this one off. Keep experimeting and trying new things. Minute changes seem to really work for you. thanks for sharing this with us!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
4/16/2004 7:23:30 PM


Thank you for your comment about my son coming home. It was indeed a moving moment. Hopefully other families will enjoy the same as I have and have their loved ones return safe and alive.

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Russell Love  (K:7006)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/26/2004 9:17:12 AM


This is the sort of things that happen when you eat breakfast after your cat! You Canadians, geez! Kinda Stephen King like. Now how am I goning to sleep tonight?

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Les Anderson  (K:555)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
3/26/2004 9:13:09 AM


Well it does not have a "Monet" feel for it but I do like the shot. Nice relaxing feeling with this one. You have captured the feeling very well. the sliver of light really sets it off. very good.

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
6/4/2003 6:23:26 PM

Madame Monet,

Well, when I finally got around to seeing this, I was the 63rd to view, 4th to take this as a favorite and 26th to rate it. Not that my rating would make any difference, but i did any way. You are right about having the knack of seeing things, we just walk right on by and never give a second thought to that stream of water.. You however, are making so great pieces of artwork with it. The yellows, the greens, the golds, the oranges, the reds, and silvers, fantastic. Yet you keep the reflections, very good job. I really would love to see a painting of this! I havent read the other comments but I can only imagine the expressions of the others!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
6/4/2003 6:02:45 PM


Thanks for the comment about polarizers, ya know they do real good in a trap thrower also! "PULL!"

Later my friend,

        Photo By: John Charlton  (K:5595)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
6/1/2003 10:18:35 PM


Each time I see another one of your still life's, I am amazed how you can do so much with something so simple. The title on this on fits perfectly, it reminds me of a fresh new day with the flower and the fruit. The reflection and colors in the glass compliment each other and add very good contrast to the dark background. Wonderful job!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Beverly Gustafson  (K:1572)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
6/1/2003 10:09:26 PM


Your poses are good, however you cut her hand off. If you would have come around more to camera right and shot more towards the other wall, it would not look so awkward. Having her thumb hooked into the hammer loop of her shorts looks very natural. I like that. Just move a little. Left and right, up and down, forward and back. I think her smile looks like she is trying to keep from laughing, did you tell her a dirty joke? Keep it up Kelly!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Kelly Abrams  (K:233)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
6/1/2003 9:37:03 AM


The emotional appeal here is great! So simple, yet speaking to me so much. the arch is composed wonderfully. great eye. but you always have had one! These flowers remind me of jewels laying out on a mirror with the reflections of the water and the flowers. To me the just screams post-impressionism painting, very Renoir, or Manet. Photos such as this is why I have given the name of Madame Monet Ingrid Matthews. I enjoy see this over and over again,

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Beverly Gustafson  (K:1572)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
5/31/2003 9:42:17 PM


I really like the columbine flowers, the yellow and blue are contrasing colors in the color wheel and the green being a mixture ot hem the white helps set them apart. I wish the focus was a little sharper, and the light was not so harsh. Maybe just this old puter or my old eyes though. you might try this shot with different angles, and closer to one of the blooms.

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Kelly Abrams  (K:233)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
5/27/2003 5:19:24 PM


I am, wandering through the project of "Your best photograph" to see the different ones people have posted and why they posted that particuliar shot. This one (without seeing the rest of your folio) I can understand why you would feel this has to be your best. The emotional appeal here is outstanding, almost like not saying just "pals" but "pals forever!" The mood set by shooting into the sun really worked for you because of the two sitting there watching the sunset (or rise). The colors are wonderful, eggplant color in the low hills in the background, to the bright red coat of the Irish setter. The wind did you a favor by blowing the dogs hair in whispy sort of way. I gave it 7's all the way across only because I couldn't give it 20's. This is going in my favorite file. Thank you for this.

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Lynn Moore  (K:1059)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
5/27/2003 4:53:44 PM


It appears you used a flash on this one. I can see a slight line of a shadow on the tree beside his face. A cure for that is to have the model move further away from the background so the shadow will not have anything to fall upon. Maybe if you used a diffuser it would help also. Still too much to remember? lol! keep going you are doing great, before ya know it it will be second nature!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Kelly Abrams  (K:233)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
5/26/2003 6:44:41 AM


I like this type of photo with the mood the sepia brings to it. The clouds in the background seem to be boiling something up also. Nice reflections on the hood of the car. Just one question bothering me though, how many photos do you have as "Your best Photograph?"

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Sahil Siqueira  (K:63)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
5/25/2003 11:42:54 PM


I like this one little better, I think if you would of moved a little further camera right and had backlight from the sun, and flash for the face, it might of improved it just a little more. Don't settle for one angle, move and bracket your shots. The light can change moods and highlights in the shot just by moving a few inches left or right. Now remember all this with exposure time, aperature, fill flash, reflector, and millions of other things that you will forget! But most importantly,HAVE FUN!!!!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Kelly Abrams  (K:233)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
5/25/2003 11:30:41 PM


Ok this is comment number 2 tonight, but who is keeping score? You have a great spot and set up here but i think you are shooting at the wrong time of day. The sun seems very harsh on mom and the foilage. If there was a way to shade everyone then use some fill flash, gold reflector on the faces, and a warming filter, I think this would really have a lot of punch to it. By the way, you are doing good, keep up the good work!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Kelly Abrams  (K:233)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
5/25/2003 11:11:41 PM

Sinar (or Phillip),

This is the type of photos I love. They say so much, although they arre so simple. The composition appears to of someone figuring out a flight plan or shipping route with the tools they would need for this. The lighting is great, a single bulb, for and 8 second exposure! very good job! Bill seems to be right when he talked about all the neat photographic gear you have. the shadows make it seems as if it is mid day. I am really impressed.

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Phillip Cohen  (K:10561) Donor

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
5/25/2003 10:35:41 PM


You have attempted something herre i would never have the nerve to try. Taking pix of babies, they scare the hell out of me! I dont know why we had 4 of them! Your light seems pretty good and caght him at a great time when he was having a ball. Good job!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Kelly Abrams  (K:233)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
5/24/2003 5:59:28 PM


3 keepers out of 5, not too shabby, I'm lucky to get one out of a roll of film. I think I owe you an apology for a misunderstanding on the forum page. I was just wondering is bigger always better? I mistyped, I am sorry for the mistake. Again I apologize.

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Colin Fitzpatrick  (K:1428)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
5/24/2003 11:03:11 AM


Those wife jokes are gonna get us both hot water, I have to keep looking over my shoulder to see if she is sneakin' up on me. Shis is half Indian and half bulldog, she is either on the war path or stretched out on her hind end a growlin! I like the tones and contrast here, it goes well with your "abandoned" series. Just think of the excitement when the farmer brought this home brand spanking new the frist time! What were his feelings, what were his fears? It appears his fears may have been realized. Job well done buddy! and quite eating breakfast after that damn cat, I think your gonna get a hair ball!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Les Anderson  (K:555)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
5/23/2003 5:24:23 PM


The colors here are great. When I look at this first, the first thing to come to my mind was this was a large man made structure. Look how perfect the detail is, the lines, and curves. It is amazing this is a petal of an iris about 2-3 inches long with this much detail. Great dof and lighting. The f32 worked great, I'm wodering how long the exposure was with the available light and not lose the focus on the droplet? The reflected colors in the dropet are magnificant. Excellent job overall. Can I give you a 20 rating? another fav
        Photo By: Karen Johnson  (K:2951)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
5/21/2003 6:44:04 PM


Very pleasing portrait of a beautiful young woman. You have captured the saphire pools in her eyes very well. The detail in the stole works well for you. Nice job! btw, I wish you would repost the "be all you can be" shot!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Verna Absolutestockphoto  (K:2836)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
5/21/2003 5:52:10 PM


As I looked through your folio I looked at each of your shots of "Diane". She is a lovely model. This one though, has to be my favorite of the series of her. The pose, the soft lights yet using the grainy film worked very well here. I am assuming you used the 1600 here also? The skin tones are great. I really like the highlighting on her hair, you have done a great job here. going in to my favorites

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Karen Johnson  (K:2951)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
5/21/2003 5:32:21 PM


I thought you said you was out of shots to post!!!! lol. Hey i like the lighting on this one, pretty good job there. I played around with some cropping and see what cha think. I'll attach it to this comment.

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Kelly Abrams  (K:233)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
5/21/2003 5:20:26 PM


I never tire of looking at your photos, this is just the reason why. Your talent and your eye to see things most of us take for granted or just pass on by is astounding. Again you have captured an ordinary subject that most of us would never give a second thought to taking the time of photographing, and come out with a great piece of work. The broad spectrum of colors shown here outnumbers anything found in any rainbow. The movement of the water can still be felt and heard with your shot. It is as if I want to reach in and taste the sweet coolness of the water. I keep looking for the trout or the smallmouth bass to break the surface, or look for the canoe gently riding the current down the river. Yes ingrid, you have taken me on another trip with this shot. Thank you for the good time. Maybe I'll send you a post card from there!(going in my favs!)

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
5/21/2003 5:05:45 PM


i forgot to tell ya it's going in my favorites

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Karen Johnson  (K:2951)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
5/21/2003 5:04:29 PM


Just strolling through your folio and found this one. Fell in love with it! The lighting is great, wonderful details, with contrasting background. This shot give the over all feeling of the delicacy if the flower. Great job with the b&w showing the beauty of the dasies.

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Karen Johnson  (K:2951)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
5/21/2003 3:59:46 PM


Do you actually get anything from a critique when someone says "Nice Photo" or is this just fluff. I'm just wondering. I would rather not get a comment, than to hear nice photo, I can hear that from my mother. I post on here to get an idea from other photogs. So don't try to smoosh me with fluff.

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Dubravko Grakalic  (K:25235)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
5/21/2003 1:28:21 PM


This is a view and idea I have never seen, Very cool! The old truck definetly seems to be hibernating, waiting for its time to have its rebirth. I like the tones and the soft contrast. Nice job here.

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Tim Bailey  (K:-467)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
5/21/2003 5:59:45 AM


I know this expression! He looks as if he just won the game "King of the Hill!" Very bold young man , very bold expression. I like the framing on this shot. I wish however you could have used a little fill flash to catch the emotion in his eyes. Maybe he will grow up to be a great world leader some day!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Aiman Nassar  (K:11961)

Critique By: Russell Love  (K:7006)  
5/20/2003 7:46:51 AM


WOW! very good capture! I really like how you were able to capture what looks like the "eye" of the storm. This shows contrast with the blues in the sky. Then as you look further down, the silhouette of the tree and then even more contrast with the red lights of what appears to be a city. I can almost feel the pressures changing, I can smell the rain coming, I can feel the wind in my face! The hairs on the back of my neck are standing on end looking at this shot! Again, Wonderful job!

Later my friend,

        Photo By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor

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