Critique By:
John Bohner (K:8368)
3/25/2006 7:00:33 AM
Tom - Hugo hit the main points so I will pick on the small one. The Stove Pipe Wells dunes are very good at picking up the color of the sky but they are still sand colored. When there is a lot of sand in the picture I have noticed that some cameras get their white balance fooled if they are in auto. It think that happened here because the sky and the dune shadow are too cyan on my calibrated monitor. While you play with the sharpening, go ahead and try to shift the cyan to more of a blue. I think you will like the results. Come on back to D. V. any time. John B
Photo By: Tom Nosella
Critique By:
Tom Nosella (K:177)
3/24/2006 7:15:49 AM
hello there painsama, thanks very much for your comments! No, i didnt convert it to gif, what i think i had done is over-sharpened it. My mistake.. i was using apple aperature and its not very good in terms of its controls for sharpening.. must take another crack at it.. thanks for taking the time to comment...Tom
Photo By: Tom Nosella
Critique By:
painsama (K:4902)
3/24/2006 7:12:03 AM
Very nice composition. The lighting is very beautiful in this picture. Probably some leveling and increase in saturation would improve the color somemore.
But I noticed the resolution of the picture looks somehow low/not very fine. Did you convert it to .gif instead of .jpeg before submiting?
Photo By: Tom Nosella
Critique By:
Greg Bokan (K:1514)
3/23/2006 10:25:22 PM
Great colors and composition, wonderful details in reflection... well done!!!
Photo By: Tom Nosella
Critique By:
Tom Nosella (K:177)
3/23/2006 6:03:35 PM
Thanks again for the comment. I spend a lot of time tracking these little guys.. i like the challenge
Photo By: Tom Nosella
Critique By:
Tom Nosella (K:177)
3/23/2006 6:02:01 PM
Thanks for the comments Vanessa! I live very close to this place, so always watching for another potential sunset, but havent found one to match this colour. Got lucky i suppose.. thanks again for taking the time to comment... Tom
Photo By: Tom Nosella
Critique By:
Tom Nosella (K:177)
3/23/2006 6:00:30 PM
Thanks very much everyone for your comments.. yep, right place at the right time.. by the way, he didnt get on the bus, he just simply walked away Thanks all..
Photo By: Tom Nosella
Critique By:
Tom Nosella (K:177)
3/23/2006 5:59:18 PM
Hugo, Thanks very much for your comments.. i sincerely appreciate them - and agree with them. Unfortuantely i cant do much about the capture, and wish i hadnt cut of the mountains, but yes that would have been better.. The sharpness is overdone.. i sort of rushed it.. will go back to photo Thinking about another trip down there very soon.. amazing how much there is to photograph for being a desert thanks again.
Photo By: Tom Nosella
Critique By:
Hugo de Wolf (K:185110)
3/23/2006 8:45:48 AM
Hi Tom, spectacular view of the Stovepipe sand dunes! I found it a weird sight with the mountains in the background. I like the way you captured the patterns in the sand as well as the curve of the dune; the soft morning light works very well here.
Two things bother me a bit, though. The cut off tops of the mountain create a distraction, and I think either removing the sky all together by cropping off the entire mountain, or panning up a bit (alternatively: a lower POV owuld also haveworked) to allow the sky to become a bigger part of the image, and including all mountain tops would've created a more balanced overview and composition.
Secondly, I think the noise in the foreground is a bit too much, it looks as if that's the result of oversharpening; and looking at the softness of the mountains, I think it's the sharpening brush that caused this effect.
I'm curious to know what camera settings you've used; the DOF towards the back of the image seems a tad shallow.
Nevertheless, a great shot; I found this one of the most difficult places to shoot in in DV; especially because of the footprints, but also the angle of the rising sun isn't the easiest either.
Photo By: Tom Nosella
Critique By:
vanessa shakesheff (K:68840)
3/23/2006 8:44:27 AM
Perfect colour ..shadows and lighting ..lovely patterns in the sand..nessa
Photo By: Tom Nosella
Critique By:
vanessa shakesheff (K:68840)
3/23/2006 8:43:01 AM
Wonderful shot lovely colour and contrast as well as humour..nessa
Photo By: Tom Nosella
Critique By:
vanessa shakesheff (K:68840)
3/23/2006 8:41:37 AM
Wonderful shot .nice detail and dof and really like the colours..nessa
Photo By: Tom Nosella
Critique By:
vanessa shakesheff (K:68840)
3/23/2006 8:40:12 AM
Beautiful capture ..lovely colour and nice silouhettes of the masts as well as the reflections caught in the water..nessa
Photo By: Tom Nosella
Critique By:
Anunay Nayak (K:2807)
3/23/2006 8:38:04 AM
really funny. good capture
Photo By: Tom Nosella
Critique By:
Saeed Al Shamsi (K:47735)
3/23/2006 7:44:58 AM
You probably got an excellent perspective view following the edge of the dune, the background mountains remind me of almost exactly a place just an hour from Dubai city amazing scene. Just I notice a soft texture and heavy pixels appears at the foreground not sure if in purpose. Superb Saeed
Photo By: Tom Nosella
Critique By:
Tyler Ham (K:104)
3/23/2006 7:35:37 AM
HAHA!! Talk about being in the right place at the right time
Photo By: Tom Nosella
Critique By:
Shaimaa ElWassimy (K:1988)
3/23/2006 7:28:32 AM
Very interesting capture. Well done.
Photo By: Tom Nosella
Critique By:
selami Torun (K:9397)
3/23/2006 7:17:20 AM
Great shot , very nice tones & light -shadow good work Tom!
Photo By: Tom Nosella
Critique By:
Tom Nosella (K:177)
3/23/2006 7:16:25 AM
Thanks Selami! I suppose i should have taken a photo of the stunned tourists too thanks for the comment.. all the best.
Photo By: Tom Nosella
Critique By:
selami Torun (K:9397)
3/23/2006 7:12:45 AM
:-))) very interesting image! great composition. bravo! regards
Photo By: Tom Nosella
Critique By:
Tom Nosella (K:177)
3/23/2006 6:58:16 AM
Garold, thanks very much! Although the more i look at it, the more i realize i should have rotated it oh well.. again thanks.
Photo By: Tom Nosella
Critique By:
Garold Jennings (K:2513)
3/23/2006 6:54:43 AM
Great scene Tom. Absolutely beautiful sunset photograph. Warm and inviting capture. Love the way the masts reflect in the water giving the photo a mystical feel.
Photo By: Tom Nosella
Critique By:
Tom Nosella (K:177)
3/23/2006 4:35:16 AM
Actually not, but generally, if its not raining its threatening to rain here in BC We get some very interesting dusk cloud formations that lend themselves nicely to these sorts of shots. Very brilliant reds. thanks for your comment!
Photo By: Tom Nosella
Critique By:
painsama (K:4902)
3/23/2006 3:49:00 AM
Beautiful reflection, silhouette, and color. And the clouds look very interesting, was it going to rain?
Photo By: Tom Nosella
Critique By:
Tom Nosella (K:177)
3/23/2006 2:16:36 AM
Hey thanks Steve! This one almost got away from me. Sun was settin' fast. We get amazing sunsets here due to the odd cloud formations. Appreciate the comments.. all the best.
Photo By: Tom Nosella
Critique By:
Steve Williams (K:1341)
3/23/2006 12:21:49 AM
Excellent photo. I like the feeling this photograph displays... the end of the day... the boats put up.. very romantic.
Photo By: Tom Nosella