Critique By:
Eb Mueller (K:24960)
6/22/2021 6:57:27 PM
Yes, it would have been fine indeed! I haven't had the privilege of using Minolta gear, neither Nikon film gear, for that matter. Truth is that I used mainly compact 35mm cameras, Rollei and Minox, but for serious work only medium and large format. Later, also in the early 70's, I had some M3 Leicas, however which typically did not see service with slide films. There is so much equipment, which I should have kept for nostalgia sake! The portrayed Nikon F collection was gifted to me a few years back.
It is nice to have some reminders of the past, such as your Minolta gear!
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Wolf Zorrito (K:78768)
6/21/2021 6:18:39 AM
A fine dream team. I still like mo old Minolta XG-M with 35-70 mm zoon lens f/3.5 My favorite film was Kodak Ektachrome
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor (K:174163)
6/19/2021 10:17:02 AM
Well, it's nice to reconnect, and I look forward to seeing your posts.
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Eb Mueller (K:24960)
6/18/2021 10:24:36 PM
That, I'm sorry to learn, Shirley! I don't wish "whole body" arthritis suffering on anyone. Unfortunately, I'm in the same predicament and no longer driving or walking much. So much of photographing pleasure is the exploration, now no longer practicable. Nonetheless, I will attempt to follow your lead and post a few images! Regards. Eb
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor (K:174163)
6/18/2021 11:07:51 AM
My dear Eb, I also suffer from the ravages of age, arthritis in my hips and spine, which makes it very hard to go anywhere that requires much walking. My dear husband drives me around and I get out of the car just long enough to snap a few photos. It does become an obsession with me after a while and I HAVE to take pictures of SOMETHING....lol. Mostly, I am posting older photos. I do still sit at the computer and 'play' with them to some extent. Other than photographing my husband's custom made saddles, I now use a lighter little purse size Sony DSC-HX80. For an inexpensive camera, it can be quite complicated.
Wish you all the best, Eb, and do hope you feel better.
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Eb Mueller (K:24960)
6/17/2021 6:25:06 PM
Hi Shirley! I'm still above ground! ;) However, I haven't photographed much for better than a year. In fact the last serious effort was my granddaughter's graduation portfolio, almost exactly 2 years ago. Since then, I tried to buy time from the ravages of un-wellness, arthritis, etc. by selling off my extensive Nikon collection and trading for a much lighter Fujifilm X-series collection. It is very capable equipment but has done little for my motivation, since sitting at a computer is also uncomfortable - so that does not help with processing photos. Of course, Covid based restrictions haven't helped, either! It seems not right to go out with my photo friends in social distant manner and wearing masks.
I sing a sorrowful song. That's regrettable! But, I do hope you are faring better than I! The old days of Usefilm were very formative and enjoyable. I may not be able to go back to that, but there is still hope. 'Though, it was very nice to hear from you, Shirley! Eb
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor (K:174163)
6/17/2021 1:07:07 PM
Dear Eb, you'll be glad to know that Imageopolis is back up.
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor (K:174163)
6/17/2021 1:04:26 PM
Dear Ed, letting you know that Imageopolis is back up.
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Michele Beccia (K:16550)
6/19/2019 10:00:35 PM
Wonderful amazing shot!:)
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Eb Mueller (K:24960)
9/13/2016 9:03:30 PM
Thanks, Shirley! Post card have been a big part of Niagara tourism. I remember well as a kid and even collected some. But, now...?
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Eb Mueller (K:24960)
9/13/2016 9:02:00 PM
Thank you, Nigel.
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Eb Mueller (K:24960)
9/13/2016 9:01:19 PM
Thanks, Shirley. I grew up in this area, about 10 miles away, but had never been up to the observation tower. Of course, it costs, and I'm cheap!
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Eb Mueller (K:24960)
9/13/2016 8:59:07 PM
Thank you Shirley! I'm proud of this particular stitch, and taken through glass with a point 'n shoot, the quality is quite good. For travelling, a point and shoot is not a bad idea, provided it is a good one.
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor (K:174163)
9/12/2016 2:52:36 PM
Magnificent,...congratulations, Eb!
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor (K:174163)
9/12/2016 2:51:58 PM
Beautiful, Eb!:)
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor (K:174163)
9/12/2016 2:51:31 PM
Absolutely gorgeous, Eb!
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Nigel Watts. (K:5236)
9/11/2016 12:30:03 PM
Congratulations Award Photograph Nigel
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Eb Mueller (K:24960)
9/10/2016 10:15:44 PM
Thank you so much, Fabio!
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Fabio Keiner (K:81109)
9/10/2016 2:32:21 PM
absolutely powerful
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Eb Mueller (K:24960)
9/10/2016 2:16:39 PM
Thanks, Paul! The idea was to get a full range B&W and, with the chiaroscuro lighting, was sure to invoke the famous Ansel! However, I do wish the other "Maid of the Mist" had been picked because I like that composition just a bit better with the boat turned sideways.
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Eb Mueller (K:24960)
9/10/2016 2:13:18 PM
Thank you, Fabio! A nice comment, indeed!
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Eb Mueller (K:24960)
9/10/2016 2:12:26 PM
Thank you, Shirley! Yes,(cross fingers) I'm back. I have been able to manage the pain and sleep through the night for a few days now!.
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Eb Mueller (K:24960)
9/10/2016 2:10:21 PM
Thanks, Paul! The image seems to work well in a higher contrast B&W.
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Eb Mueller (K:24960)
9/10/2016 2:09:07 PM
Indeed, a street without people! Thanks for commenting, Shirley!
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Eb Mueller (K:24960)
9/10/2016 2:05:27 PM
Thank you for your comment, Jan! Indeed, the poor will use pawnbrokers as a "bank" of sorts for collateral based loans. Unclaimed collateral goods will go for sale but the major customers are the poor again. However, it is buyer beware, just as on ebay. Or else, one might wind up paying nearly as much for a used item at a pawn shop than if found new elsewhere.
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Paul Freeman (K:35606)
9/10/2016 5:03:46 AM
Wonderful tones and a very nice image. Makes me think of Ansel Adams Regards
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Fabio Keiner (K:81109)
9/9/2016 2:18:35 PM
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor (K:174163)
9/9/2016 1:35:59 PM
Great street shot, Eb!:)
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor (K:174163)
9/9/2016 1:35:27 PM
Welcome back, my friend,...glad to see more of your excellent work!:)
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Paul Freeman (K:35606)
9/8/2016 5:18:40 AM
Wonderful tones, Eb Regards
Photo By: Eb Mueller