Photographer: Pedro P. Luz Cunha Filho (Karma=325)
Brasilia, DF BRAZIL
About: Stock Photographer Courses with Professional Photographer Lula Franca Courses with BFP (British Free Lance Photography) Contest Finalist: Fotografe Melhor Magazine - Find a Super Model 10+ years experience in photography Former member of BFP (UK) and Photosource International (USA)
Client List: Recent references: - Restaurante Vercelli, Brasilia, Brazil. http://www.vercelli.com.br - Celia Porto & Renio Quintas (Singer), Brasilia, Brazil. at http://www.celiaporto.com.br (Agenda) - Sao Mateus Laboratory, Brasilia, Brazil. - A.M.Chagas Laboratory, Brasilia, Brazil. - Clinica Medica Entre Lagos, Brasilia, Brazil. Projects:
Cancer Brasilia's Savannah (Grassland) People Clouds Sunsets Landscape Events
Other E-MAIL addresses:
fotostock@terra.com.br pcphotostock@yahoo.com
And also: Alamy.com-> http://tinyurl.com/4t5wu MyLoupe: -> http://tinyurl.com/4zbq2
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