Photographer: Troy Phillips (Karma=420)
Sioux City, IA USA
About: I am back sorry for my long absence.
I have been pretty busy photography wise in the outside world. I joined my local camrea club last september and entered the monthly competions a few times. Learned a lot from the old hands there. Some really good photographers in my camera club, it is sometimes pretty intimidating.
I also got a new camera. My old HP PhotoSmart 315 died and the place were I bought it gave me the full purchase price toward a new digital camera! I now have a Nikon CoolPix 4300 and am selling some of the pictures I have taken with it!
I took a fashion photography workshop in May 2003 and had a lot of fun and learned a lot and sold some prints to the models for their portfolios all taken with my compact digital camera!
I have also been doing some freelance photojournalism work for a local weekly magazine and have sold 4 pictures to them so far. Again all pictures were taken with my 4 Megapixal digital camera.
I hope to be here a bit more frequently and add some more of my pictures.
My new email address is
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Troy Phillips
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Nikon CoolPix 4300 compact digital camera