Photographer: Jenny Brown (Karma=2859)
St. Louis, MO USA
About: People and pets are my main subjects, though I'll try just about anything. I'm currently learning to see light, and my first focus is texture and form - making my subjects come alive with depth. Update: Three months of studying light carefully, and I'm finally grasping the basics of how to see and use it. My photography has improved leaps and bounds as a result. You'll see my portfolio growing more since I got the Nikon D70, as its high iso ability and true optical viewfinder are letting me work far better in available light.
I do software development/design as a career, which certainly helps me afford this hobby, although it does little for my artistic expression. Photography is my outlet there. But, the geek factor still plays in, as I am extremely comfortable working with digital images and can't imagine life without a computer.