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Photographer: David Soler  (Karma=713)
Davenport, FL USA 

About: Originally from Miami, now living in Orlando, I have had a passion for photography since my father made us freeze every 100 yards for a picture with every character from Mickey Mouse to Alice in Wonderland. I then had the incredible luck to work at the Disney Institute for a few years and occasionally work with and support Tracy Mack-Jackson, then head of the Photography and Visual Arts Department. Unknowingly at the time, Tracy's knowledge and expert eye must have planted a spark that has emerged, out of nowhere, almost five years later with a thirst and desire to learn everything I can from the photographic community. This past year I received my first digital camera, a Konica-Minolta Dimage Z2 4.0,and now I take my camera everywhere. I look forward to sharing my work and to receiving any feedback that you are willing to share, which I know will help me develop my untrained eye.

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There are 1 images in 1 Pages

Picture Title - Tantive IV

Tantive IV
David Soler
Comments 2
Views 526
Rating Pending / 0 
Konica-Minolta Dimage Z2 4.0



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