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Photographer: Sherry Hammonds  (Karma=184)
Austin, TX USA 

About: I have always loved photography and have owned a camera since I can remember, even if it's was a 110! My dad had a lot to do with that, he gave me his Minolta X-300 about 10 years ago and I still use it often.
I have shot plenty of film but am a beginner when it comes to the digital side, anything from re-touching to digital photography. I hope to be able to upgrade to digital within a few months, so I'd love to learn as much as I can.
Currently, I am shooting a lot of weddings, which I love, but I need to make more time for "my own" photos!
Sherry : )

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There are 1 images in 1 Pages

Picture Title - The Mississippi River

The Mississippi River
Sherry Hammonds
Comments 3
Views 443
Rating Pending / 0 
Nikon  F80 / N80



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