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Photographer: Andrew Provchy  (Karma=1075)

About: I first got involved with photography when I was about 14 years old. This was in junior high school. I don't remember the camera we used but I know it was medium format as the negatives were larger than 35mm. We had a dark room at the school so I was able to learn a little about developing and printing. After that I did not do much as interest faded as other things in a boys life does at that time. (Discovered girls). I continued to take pictures with a fixed lens 35mm, mostly snap shots. It was not until my step mother gave me her camera while I was in my mid 20's. It was a Minolta x700 which rekindled my interest once again. I used that for several years and was looking for an upgrade. I was thinking of going digital but did not want to shell out 4 or 5 thousand dollars. If I was not going to get that then I was looking mainly at the Nikon N80. During my searches on the web and the magazines I found the Canon D10 which I was in my price range as it was less than the other digital cameras. So currently I am learning my new camera and software. 6/21/03

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Andrew Provchy
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Canon D10



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