City - Goodwood, near Chichester State - Country - United Kingdom
This was taken at the Goodwood Revival Meeting - a motor-racing meeting with a difference. The races involve classic cars of various eras, and many people dress up in period costume as in this shot. You also get celebs and famous drivers (including ex and current F1 stars) milling around amongst the public, although you need a sharp eye and quick reactions if you're to stand a decent chance of shoving a camera in their face!...
Hi Andy, Thanks for your comment. Yes, it was a slight camera movement despite useing tripod. Unstable position and non-possibility to use a cable for triggering causes little shift during the click. I doubt whether to send the image to the forum. Finally, I think that this distortion is nice. Sorry for making English mistake in the previous comment, that change my meaning. Your image is nice capture, clear sharp, and delicate humor. Best regards. Uri.
Hi Andy, Thanks for your comment. Yes, it was a slight camera movement despite useing tripod. Unstable position and non-possibility to use a cable for triggering causes little shift during the click. I doubt whether to send the image to the forum. At least I think that this distortion is nice. Your image is nice capture, clear sharp, and delicate humor. Best regards. Uri.