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Moving sand ?
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Image Title:  Moving sand ?
Favorites: 5 
 By: Zeev Scharf  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  Zeev Scharf {Karma:25603}
Project #43 Unusual Vision Camera Model Nikon D70
Categories Abstracts
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Nikon  18-70mm f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED AF-S DX
Uploaded 11/19/2005 Film / Memory Type Digital 512 Mb
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1659 Shutter 15s
Favorites Aperture f/22
Critiques 95 Rating
/ 41 Ratings
Location City - 
State - 
Country - Israel   Israel
About After sunset,taken at the beach ,with sunset cokin filter the long exposure 13 sec,caused to the water to appear like moving sand
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There are 95 Comments in 1 Pages
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 9/10/2010
optimal tones. outstanding. 7++++++


Malules Fernandez Malules Fernandez   {K:54810} 2/10/2009
Realmente Excelente, Zeev!


Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf   {K:61374} 2/8/2009
WOW, superb and amazingly interesting!

Best regards,


Olga Vareli Olga Vareli   {K:22477} 4/30/2008
This is why photography is art.It doesn;t only copy nature, it creates it...7+ if I could.


Armen Haroutunyan Armen Haroutunyan   {K:4787} 4/23/2008
wonderful shot zeev


Elena Tunik Elena Tunik   {K:552} 3/23/2006
very beautifull picture!
excellent colours and details.


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 3/4/2006
Muchisima gracias por comentar Grisel,espero que estes bien


Grisellidys Alsina Grisellidys Alsina   {K:978} 2/28/2006
Impresionante!!!! Me gusta mucho! no parece que sea una playa.... parece arena en movimiento por el viento. Te felicito.

Llevo muuucho tiempo sin opinar en las fotos.... lamento mucho eso amigo, pero no he tenido mucho tiempo ni para subir fotos. Espero que estes bien. Cuidate mucho.



Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 2/19/2006
Many thanks for so nice words
Best regards


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 1/16/2006
Superb shot. Thecolouring does look like it could be a rver of beautifdul golden sand. The slow shutter speed sure changes the texture of the water. Creative. You certianly know how to get the best from that filter. These pictures have been terricic.


Mira Novianti   {K:592} 12/26/2005
What a colors! More like volcanic lava. Good shot!


Renata Lepage Renata Lepage   {K:-3321} 12/20/2005

Just wonderful Zeev.
It looks so soft. I would never think about water, it really looks like sand.



a. M. a. M.   {K:9020} 12/19/2005
great shot zeev...i love these colors. awesome photo


Pooriya Zarrabi Pooriya Zarrabi   {K:3836} 12/7/2005
My friend Zeev,
It's very beautiful scene of the water.
perfect rocks and good choice the shutter speed.
7/7 & jump in my favorites.


C K   {K:1987} 12/5/2005
More than moving sand, I would say< it seems like a piece of smooth silk! Fantastic effect.
Ciao, Ck


Guy Dube Guy Dube   {K:6932} 12/3/2005
A beautiful shot Zeev, I like it a lot. I like the blur movement of the water, very nice.
Best regards


Warren B   {K:7272} 12/3/2005
Zeev, I think this is very strong work. For no reason I can put my finger on, this shot reaches out and grabs me. You've captured this effect very beautifully indeed, and this is one that should be framed and on the wall. Applause.


Melanie Reynolds Melanie Reynolds   {K:9096} 12/3/2005
Wow, Zeev! As always, amazing! Looks like lava to me!


josep alsina josep alsina   {K:19880} 12/3/2005
Excelente, magnífica composición y mucha paciencia para lograr dichos efectos de color.


Ian McIntosh Ian McIntosh   {K:42997} 12/2/2005
melted chocolate? Nice sense of texture for a long exposure>


Ursula Luschnig Ursula Luschnig   {K:21723} 12/2/2005
A real WOWWWW picture :) Great effect and colours.


Cristina D Cristina D   {K:8080} 12/1/2005
Just Amazing, everything starting with the tones, composition, aspect, perspective , ur idea and of course ur talented eye.
I`m so honoured to read ur comments to my photos!!!


Fernando Resendes Fernando Resendes   {K:473} 12/1/2005


Carsten Ranke   {K:14476} 12/1/2005
An example how good photography shows us the world in a way we didn?t see before, very imaginative and creative shot. Very good composition and tones.




B:)liana    {K:30945} 12/1/2005
WOWwww dear Zeev!!!!!!!!!!

streight in my favs!!!

Looks like my sun



Maryam Ashoori Maryam Ashoori   {K:2186} 12/1/2005
Another great shot by zeev that reflects the beauty of the nature!.. same as ever..I hope one thay I can capture some shots like you :), cheers, Maryam


moataz k. elkateb   {K:4971} 12/1/2005
wow what a wonderful shot Zeev very artistic Ilike it very much..very well done.7/7



Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 12/1/2005
Very beautiful, dreamy image Zeev! It does look like wind blowing sand! Great colors and fluid lines!


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 11/30/2005
outstanding dear Zeev!!!!!!!! congratulations!!!!!!


NN  NN     {K:26787} 11/30/2005
Another one with truly awesome colours! Love the silky, smooth looking water. Very beautiful!


Mari Mar   {K:11469} 11/29/2005
Que belleza, espectacular, amigo, congrats!!!


Mari Mar   {K:11469} 11/29/2005
Que belleza, espectacular, amigo, congrats!!!


Robert Gaither Robert Gaither   {K:34128} 11/29/2005
Shutter speed did produce a fine image. Excellent composition and capture.


mary karimi mary karimi   {K:10818} 11/29/2005
Hi dear Zeev

as always you have a very powerful atmosphere... a mysterious place with warm colors....they are really moving...
You did very beautiful shot,bravo.



Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 11/28/2005
Absolutely incredible. I have not thought about trying this and I really doubt that my version would look as good as yours. Great work my friend.



Rob Ernsting Rob Ernsting   {K:8899} 11/27/2005
Very beautiful effect and lovely colors. The long exposure time has a creative result on the final composition.


Linda Imagefree Linda Imagefree   {K:72276} 11/26/2005
Mi Queridisimo Zeev this is more than beautiful, talk about the WOW factor!! I love the softness and the warm golden tones. It's fantastic really!! I can't believe you haven't gotten an award for this, it's exception and very very beautiful, to my favs! Un abrazote!!


Mark Beltran   {K:32612} 11/26/2005
This could be the surface of Mars. It's very dynamic and alive. Incredible, too, because it's virtually done without PS.


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 11/25/2005
woowwwwwwww zeev, marvelous work.. is so similar to a mars land.. so red so deep so soft!
a great compositin and woork created my friend.. very hot..
very well done i like it so much the fluid effect in a red atmosphere..


xxxIlonaxxxx xxxxKrijgsmanxxxx   {K:10405} 11/25/2005
SUCH A WONDERFUL ORANGE GLOW...sorry for the delay, I have a strain injury in my arm, and they plaster me for some weeks, not easy to deal with, I miss my daily walks.........


Larry Hammond Larry Hammond   {K:16631} 11/24/2005
It really does look like sand Zeev, very interesting!!



Larry Hammond Larry Hammond   {K:16631} 11/24/2005
It really does look like sand Zeev, very interesting!!



patrizio napolitano   {K:13119} 11/23/2005
I don't have words to express my amazement.
this photo is stupendous.
you would prune to illustrate the Verses of the Creation.


Riny  Koopman   {K:19998} 11/23/2005
The simple things of abstract seen trought your eyes looks fantastic. All my best wishes to you! Riny


Manu    Manu     {K:13082} 11/23/2005
Good piece of work,'s amazing what you get when you use a long exposure...well done and many thanks for all the comments so far..




Ameed El-Ghoul Ameed El-Ghoul   {K:42215} 11/23/2005
Wonderful capture Zeev, it is like if you took this capture no planet Mars, very well done and creative for sure, can't be any better,


Trish McCoy Trish McCoy   {K:15897} 11/23/2005
wow!!!!!!!! love how you got the water to look like sand. awesome amazing shot.


FERDINAND DOTREMONT   {K:6612} 11/22/2005
Magnificent! I like the tones and the composition.
Kind regards


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 11/22/2005
Many thanks dear Heifetz for nice words
I am awaiting your first IR upload
Best regards


Tabitha Woods   {K:8650} 11/22/2005
Wow Zeev very smooth looking!:O) great colour and moody! Well done


Mohsen Bayramnejad Mohsen Bayramnejad   {K:21377} 11/21/2005
Hi dear Zeev..This is really great work...too creative,sweet and dramatic abstract shot! Bravo!
and thanks for sharing!


Ahmed Ismail Ahmed Ismail   {K:19853} 11/21/2005
Beautiful color and a very nice effect from the long exposure. Lovely shot Zeev!!


Gorilla  K Gorilla  K   {K:17526} 11/21/2005
...wonderful warm colours...beautiful abstract and very creative,Zeev!!!

best regards,


S.D Holmes S.D Holmes   {K:7156} 11/21/2005
excellent capture my friend -stunning work and very effective!


Heifetz Zhou   {K:1835} 11/21/2005
Great shot,Zeev!!Love this effect!!Congrats~


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 11/21/2005
Excellent slow setting shutter speed, which creates a wonderful looking as of a heavy liquid, the tone adds and enhances the superb composition. Saeed


Alicia Popp   {K:87532} 11/21/2005
Colores cálidos y excelentes texturas de gran suavidad. Feliictaciones por la foto


Susie OConnor Susie OConnor   {K:34798} 11/21/2005
VERY beautiful Zeev. What an unusual presentation. This would be a perfect fit for the new project...Patterns in Nature.


Nigel Watts.   {K:5236} 11/20/2005
Wonderful photograph, great colours and motion


Reda Danaf   {K:14309} 11/20/2005
Great shot, wonderful warm colours.


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 11/20/2005
very cool image.. nice long exposure... good work


Rashed Abdulla Rashed Abdulla   {K:163889} 11/20/2005
very beautiful ,great image, and very creative my friend,i did enjoy alot viewing it ,very best regards .


cessy karina   {K:14205} 11/20/2005
really marvelous Zeev
the slow speed effect works very well here
the tones so fabulous
very well done


Nando Mondino   {K:14261} 11/20/2005
Fantastic image my dear


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 11/20/2005
Many thanks Len for nice comment
My best regards


Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 11/20/2005
Wow! Dear friend thi si very exciting composition! A lovely nice details, so many stirring colortones. Very fine colours. Well captured natural composition. Well done dear Zeev! 7/7

All my best wishes!


Kathy Hillard Kathy Hillard   {K:25721} 11/20/2005
Very nicely done, Zeev! Interesting effect that you have created! I think a black frame would set this off better, but that's just my opinion :) Good job!


Del Metheny   {K:25617} 11/20/2005
A very interesting and attractive photo. Until you explained the long exposure I thought it was sand. I like the result you achieved very much. Del.


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 11/20/2005
Espéctacular, un paisaje marciano....agua...arena...quien sabe.


David McClenaghan   {K:9481} 11/20/2005
Very cool shot Zheev.
Like the use of the warm filter.


Alison DuFlon Alison DuFlon   {K:36566} 11/19/2005
Very mystical Zeev, it almost looks like a thik mist. Wonderful color and great effect with the long exposure and color. Alison


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 11/19/2005
Very impressive picture. Sure like the slow shutter speed and the effet that it has on the water. Don.


Nichol Rose   {K:1020} 11/19/2005
Very interesting capture Zeev. It emits a warmth feeling. The same feeling as you would get when having a thick warm soup on a cold winter night. No, not chocolate in caramel!


drilan P   drilan drilan P  drilan   {K:12030} 11/19/2005
Super belle image et titre approprié.


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 11/19/2005
Hi Zeev,

Again, you created a perfect illusion for us with your special filter. This looks like sand in the desert, not water ;-)

awesome toning, my friend. very three-dimensional look.

best wishes,


Darlene Boucher   {K:15739} 11/19/2005
Incredibly beautiful image Zeev! Very creative and the colors are wonderful, very well done! Darlene


julie hugill julie hugill   {K:6730} 11/19/2005
Stunning photo Zeev lovely golden tones 7+++

Cheers Julie


Karina Brys Karina Brys   {K:16541} 11/19/2005
Beautiful colour and texture!


Victor Weiner   {K:490} 11/19/2005
Unbelievable effect - this long exposure is a real marvel, I love the "melted gold" tones. You are King Midas #2, my friend.Be careful! 7 +++


Christopher Peace   {K:1340} 11/19/2005
Wow, incredible shot.


Mark Evans Mark Evans   {K:17428} 11/19/2005
This is superb Zeev !! love it 7+++ .. marky .


Len Wager   {K:357} 11/19/2005
Really great shot Zeev,Exposure,color etc superb,well done
Best Regards


Derek Dixon   {K:4948} 11/19/2005
looks molten. Really atmospheric - lovely motion.


Sergio M. Cameno   {K:7856} 11/19/2005
Great effect, Zeev! Gorgeous tones! I like it, very well done! 7++
Best regards!


Asim Roy Asim Roy   {K:10051} 11/19/2005
Very nice lighiting Zeev, lovely frame too, fantastic slow speed capture, very smooth like a butterscotch icecream on different colour, i love it, love, asim


Roberto Okamura   {K:22851} 11/19/2005
Excellent capture Zeev!
Beautiful motion effects!


Lars Tjernagel   {K:1188} 11/19/2005
Wonderful shot!! I love long exposure photography, and this photo shows why :)


Jan Symank Jan Symank   {K:22030} 11/19/2005
Very nice water, like flowin fire by this color
Creative work


Brulim . Brulim .   {K:2987} 11/19/2005
excellent shot! excellent tones!
i love it so so so much!
well done


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 11/19/2005
Extraordinary colours and tones, Zeev.
An excellent natural abstract, my friend.
Best regards, Chris


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 11/19/2005
Simple wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




vanessa shakesheff vanessa shakesheff   {K:68840} 11/19/2005
Zeev it has to be A7.regards vanessa


Tracey Main Tracey Main   {K:7290} 11/19/2005
excellent shot and the colors are so beautiful it looks like water flowing well done..regards Tracey


Shai Ritblatt   {K:3755} 11/19/2005
the sand looks like water.
beautiful shot, well done.


Rosario Esposito Rosario Esposito   {K:9796} 11/19/2005
Optimal density of color, beautiful the scene. Congratulations




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