.....sent this straight to photo of the day forum, I don't believe the music stand intrudes, the subject 'takes over' and the music stand adds to the story (for me)....this is a 'huge' photograph, well done Huub. cheers, david.
You are completely right... and yet... if you control the circumstances, it is very dificult to capture the intensity of making music. (Heisenbergs principle of photography?) The subject becomes a model, and will start posing rather than playing... there is a whole series of the tour in Poland at www.polen.dse.nl of photo's in difficult light, stages littered with stands, but often with great intensity... (see the picture of my daughter with bassoon) And it was a wonderful way of finding models too, by the way. The accordeon pictures would nog have been possible without. Yhe one on the stairs was made in a Polish factory-owners' palace... I saw the light and decided I needed a model there...
But to please you, I did polish away the bit of stand of today's photo! Regards, Huub
Delightful shot, Huub. Just a shame that the circumstances didn't allow you to shoot this young lady without the intrusion of the music stand. Kind regards, Chris