Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 11/10/2005
hi, put your photo into #38 photo help project and others can help with whatever you specify in your "About".....regards,gayle (see on this page where you list category and all of that on the left?...right now it shows project N/A because you didn't choose a project)
lauren Cornwall
{K:154} 11/10/2005
thank you! i will mess around my computer and try some of that editing. I am not sure how to put an image in the help department?
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 11/9/2005
hi, have attached an edited version of your image so you can see what some tweaking can do...i use paintshop pro8, but any photoshop program can do the same.....look at both and you can see the contrast level change,behind her is more blur (dof from your aperture setting)and tilted it to give some oomph!....saturation was boosted a small bit to brighten her complexion/lips/eyes anyway, just to give you an idea of what you can do.....regards,gayle (remember to place your images in the "HELP" category so many can offer tips,etc.)
 edit by gayle |
lauren Cornwall
{K:154} 11/8/2005
thank you soo much your comments have helped my out alot and i love all the things i am learning on this site
Ann Nida
{K:45248} 11/4/2005
Lauren. I like the composition of this image. The slight tilt of her head is pleasant. Nice tight crop. I'm no expert on portraits but the "amount" of subject in the frame seems to look good to me. I still see too much background (the fence)in focus so you need to blur the background more. There are several ways to do this but I will leave those technical issues for later or maybe someone else can help with that side of things.
In my opinion your composition is already getting better so that's my main concern at this stage. The way I look at it once you have taken a dozen or so shots of one subject then you will decide which pose or composition you like best of those. You can then go back later and set up the same composition again and play with your camera settings to perfect your exposure skills. For me that's easier than trying to learn composition and technical skills all at once. Too many elements to learn all at once. Happy shooting. Cheers - Ann :)