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Insolent Verdant Shadows
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Image Title:  Insolent Verdant Shadows
Favorites: 1 
 By: Aram Gharib  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer Aram Gharib  Aram Gharib {Karma:4656}
Project #51 Silhouettes and Abstracts Camera Model FinePix2600
Categories Abstracts
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Fujinon
Uploaded 10/28/2005 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 494 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 11 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Tehran
State - 
Country - Iran   Iran
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There are 11 Comments in 1 Pages
Aram Gharib Aram Gharib   {K:4656} 6/23/2006
Yes, I am Iranian.


ana ribeiro   {K:21290} 6/22/2006
and the tittle makes me feel topsy-turvey...
i like these photos about the SHA
are you Persian Aram ?


Aram Gharib Aram Gharib   {K:4656} 12/19/2005
Thanks Dear Gabriela for your comment. Indeed the frame was supposed to be empty as it is. But I hoped that the plant's shadow would form a shape (that I call Chinese painting but Japanese might be more accurate). Anyhow, I'm glad that you found the idea of some interest. Best regards.


Gabriela Tanaka Gabriela Tanaka   {K:16594} 12/19/2005
This is definitely a Japanese pattern and a modern one for that.I read the explanation that you wrote for Ina and believe that it would have been a mistake to put something in that frame. It is more challenging the way it is. This is the kind of image that makes the mind work and the imagination explode. I like that!


Todd Miller   {K:16464} 11/8/2005
wonderful work Aram! love everything about this one. strong contrast, colors, the selective focus and DOF. well done........


Ali Naghizadeh Ali Naghizadeh   {K:19600} 10/28/2005
Hi Aram ..
What a great shot .. a fantastic abstract .. very well done my friend :)

My very best regards,


Kamran Bakhtiari Kamran Bakhtiari   {K:24048} 10/28/2005
well,what can i say......?


Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 10/28/2005
Hello Aram, Actually I like the second version even more, because (1) the color is removed and it is even more evident what your concept is; (2) the frame is translucent, more fluid and transitional; and (3) the crop itself. Plus the wrought iron of the pot stand has a more whimsical look, purely subjective. A rigid frame is more of a given opinion, a translucent frame is more of a question!


Aram Gharib Aram Gharib   {K:4656} 10/28/2005
Dear Ina,

That is it: the frame. Well! I hoped to get a chinese painting within a frame that I fixed on the wall and waited for the first sunshine rays. But suddenly (and having missed the first rays that provide a quite net shadow, for a few seconds!) I realized that the out-of-frame painting is much richer and appealing!. Here's another try much less post-processed (just to give you another view of the scene).

OK! Let's say pictures are like teenagers: they need the frame but only for trespassing the limits! May I consider this picture as an echo to your "Trilogy": for me beneath and behind "Trilogy" was the same question of frame and its cutting the Universe into "inside" and "outside".

All the best and thanks for your interest.

-- Aram


Shade out

Ina Nicolae Ina Nicolae   {K:44481} 10/28/2005
Hi Aram, I think you are challenging the viewer with this image. Certainly the black rectangular frame is an unexpected object placed over the recognizable green silhouette of a plant. I take it as a metaphor for "framing" a picture. What IS a frame? What does it do? Enhance, support, or simply severely limit the image? And do we need it or not? Very conceptual image, challenging the esthetic of how we choose to see and present what we see. I hope I got the right interpretation. Best regards, Ina


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 10/28/2005
Really an abstract Aram and silhouette.
Good work.





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