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{K:2740} 11/18/2005
tanrimmm ne cok comment Serhat cok tesekkurler:)
serhat filiz
{K:-4} 11/18/2005
selam pınar..rıtm i guzel yakalamıssın .perspektıfı de oturtunca guzel bı fotograf olmus.
pinar üründül
{K:2740} 10/30/2005
selam Tolga:) cok tesekkur ederim..)
pinar üründül
{K:2740} 10/30/2005
thank you so much Ahmed.. have a good days..))
Ahmed Ismail
{K:19853} 10/30/2005
Nice composition Pinar. I also notice the blue hue. Good work Pinar.
Tolga Ferhatoglu
{K:853} 10/30/2005
Guzel kompozisyon Pinar, tebrikler:)
pinar üründül
{K:2740} 10/29/2005
thank's dear Ozjan! for your nice words:)
pinar üründül
{K:2740} 10/28/2005
thank you so much Sergio:) for your to share ideas..)I'm a student:) thank you again..
Ozjan Yeshar
{K:15239} 10/28/2005
Wonderful perspective and great curve you have handled in this shot dear Pinar. Cheers.
Sergio Romero Gomez
{K:920} 10/28/2005
Hi PInar: I think the idea behind this imagi is fine, but the execution can be improved quite easy, Just get back and try to get a better light, it is, allow light that model the texture of the wood and the construction Beside that I am not sure if it is on purpose but I find a blue hue I find really cold that creates a barrier, I think this pic is much better in calid tones Keep improving Sergio