Desert Blu
{K:589} 10/16/2005
Outstanding piece for a worthy cause for sure... we all must step up and help thru out our planet with so much happening and so much loss...
Nice to see your work again.
In Transit
{K:29432} 10/12/2005
I have just returned from a long lunch with bankers... the conversation was very much the series of natural disasters that have occured around this Global Village over the past year... as one sits back... there are many... and we have not even considered the potential of the rising seas... due to warming climate and the melting artic ice-caps!
Marcia .
{K:16108} 10/12/2005
Forgot to say... The capture is wonderful!! :-) Congratulations!!
{K:30945} 10/12/2005
That is why I am still alive for all those GOOD people around the corner and among them YOU are also, dear L.
Thank you my friend :) Biliana
Marcia .
{K:16108} 10/12/2005
It?s really a sadness in enormous proportion these happenings... :-( There are so many needed people all around the world... What we all could do to be more equal and fair, to go over personal, political or economical interests... and give the importance to LIVES and to EARTH, our home, for the future, as earth seems to be screaming (hurricanes, earthquakes, desertification, heating......) that it?s everything wrong how some countries are conducting their politcs&economy! Specially the rich ones!!!
In Transit
{K:29432} 10/12/2005
Thank You... do donate to a charity of your choice... there are people of this Global Village that are in need.
In Transit
{K:29432} 10/12/2005
AR! Spread the word... do what you can...
In Transit
{K:29432} 10/12/2005
B! The world moves sooo fast... the people of this Global Village have many priorities, this site is not for political of commercial discourse, and the picture was only a submission. to bring attention to the members here... of what should be done, by those that can afford to do so... every penny-centavo-silver coin... can help.
There are good people on every corner... of every street... as the mother of this Young Boy playing his fiddle!
whoiswho t
{K:10700} 10/12/2005
so good street photo. i loved half black backround and child pose. his glance so interesting and dramatic.
good job.
Audrey Reid
{K:5872} 10/12/2005
Heartfelt post and message IT. I join you in asking people to once again find it in their hearts to help those in need.
{K:30945} 10/12/2005
Oh, my dear In Transit, I am so sad that NOBODY has read your ABOUT :(
Do you SEE how NOBODY CARES for OTHERs :( I am sad also because of this Cruel Rich People and this Sad life that someones have to live, despite anything, just SURVIVING in such bad miserable conditions. But what can They DO??? Just to keep on, walking ahead in this Life! Uf.. the Life is so HARD on Planet Earth my daer Friend :(:( And we are the FEW to Care about HUMANKIND!!
Thank you for that daer L :)
Kiss, Biliana